Richland is forever tied to World War II and more particularly to the Manhattan Project, the U.S. program assigned to develop the first atomic bomb. It seemed at the time, to be a reasonable alternative to a protracted land war in Japan.
During the war, the U.S. military faced another enemy—bed bugs. This adversary attacked us on the front lines and in military barracks worldwide; and the end of WW II didn’t put an end to their relentless attack.
Possibly inspired by the dramatic end to the war, the military and the U.S. government took extreme measures, broke out the DDT, and eliminated bed bugs once and for all . . . at least we thought we did.
They’re back
It turns out, there were some survivors.
50 years later, bed bugs are back with a vengeance. They now infest modest houses, mansions, five-star hotels, and worse, your home. However, DDT isn’t legal any more, since we discovered it was toxic to the environment and you. Now what can you do?
Safe for the environment – deadly to bed bugs
You don’t have to put up with bed bugs in your home any longer. Richland bed bug control is available from Pointe Pest Control. Our process is 100% effective and we can do it safely.
It turns out bed bugs can’t stand heat. For instance, a bed bug exposed to 120 degrees for one minute will die and so will all of its eggs.
The key is to raise every bed-bug hiding place to the proper temperature. Once that is accomplished, your bed-bug infestation is over.
Heat remediation for bed bugs is the 21st Century solution to an age-old plague. Not only is this method completely safe, it is the most effective. Our convenient portable equipment can successfully obtain and maintain the proper temperature in any room in your house.