There are many different types of bed bugs, but they all feed on blood. However, some species prefer one type of blood over another. Certain bed bugs need the blood of certain mammals to survive, while others will feast on any host’s blood they can find. Even this latter group still has preferences for certain hosts, but will still take whatever they can get when that preferred host is not available.
The most common type of bed bug is the Cimex lectularius. They prefer human blood and it is their primary energy source. When bed bugs are found in a home, they are most often this variety. This is particularly true when they are found around the bed area, where bed bugs primarily live.
It’s still important to understand though, that not all bed bugs found in a home will be this type. There is the possibility that another species, bat bugs, are present. If bat bugs are in a home, it’s likely bats are somewhere too. As their name suggests, bat bugs prefer feeding off of bats.
Sometimes, when the infestation is unusually high, bed bugs might feed off of animals. Unlike fleas though, they will not live on animals. For example, if a dog is lying on a bed that has bed bugs, the bugs may bite the dog for one feeding. They will then leave and return to their hiding place, or look for another host, such as a human nearby.