Green and Energy-Efficient Pest Solutions
Whether it’s your home or business, Pointe Pest Control has you covered with expert pest management solutions. We offer free quotes, consultations, and tailored plans to meet your unique needs. First-time customers can also enjoy an exclusive discount! Take the first step toward a pest-free environment today—schedule your free estimate now.
Pointe Pest Control Your Bed Bug Control Experts
Bed Bugs aren’t just limited to your bed anymore. They’ve infiltrated office buildings, hotels, restaurants, movie theaters even public transportation. Bed bugs are tough to eradicate. Due to the difficulty in treating bed bugs, entomologists recommend using professional pest control services. That’s where Pointe Pest Control comes in. Our certified bedbug exterminators are ready to assist you.
Bed Bug Inspection
When dealing with bedbugs, our technicians know how to inspect. Using the most current technologies, we’ll identify potential and current hot spots throughout your home or building. Bed bugs are resilient, so we use a variety of methods in order to eradicate bed bug infestations. We work hard so you can rest easy. You shouldn’t have to fight to fall asleep at night because your anxious about being bitten. Let us take care of the issue for you so that you can enjoy your home again.
Heat Treatment
Our heat treatment option is highly effective. Only a few preparations are necessary to adapt your home for treatment. Then we raise the temperature of the entire infested area to the point where every bed bug is eliminated regardless of life stage. Heat treatments are the perfect remedy for heavy infestations. Bed bugs won’t be able to hide from the sustained heat. If you have a serious bed bug infestation, a heat treatment is the right option for you.
Liquid Treatments
Lucky for us, bed bugs are creatures of habit. They like to stay out of the light, and don’t mind waiting for the perfect time to feed. They can hide in desks, sofas, chairs and even electrical outlets. Our liquid treatment option will create a barrier that keeps bed bugs away from their desired domain. When bed bugs venture out to feed, they will be eliminated. Our technicians will target the identified areas of infestation, terminate the adults and nymphs, as well as prevent any new eggs from hatching.
Prevention Plans
If you don’t have bed bugs and want to keep it that way, give our technicians a call. We’ll sit down with you and develop a prevention plan that is unique to your situation. There are a variety of ways in which bed bugs can gain access to the spaces around you, and they have nothing to do with cleanliness. If you travel to an infested environment, bedbugs can hitchhike in briefcases, bags, and clothing. We can help educate you with bed bug awareness, in order to reduce the risk of invasion.
Bed Bug Heat Treatment Preparation
Items customer should prepare prior to treatment:
- Remove – Persons, plants and animals.
- Remove or place in refrigerator – Candles, wax items, crayons, lipstick and other cosmetics that might melt.
- Remove-Gunsandammunition. Ammunitionmayloseitspotency.
- Remove – Soft “vinyl” and plastic items like mini blinds and vinyl records as they may warp.
- Remove – Aerosol cans and all other combustible items.
- Magnets (like those used to hold notes on refrigerators) – Place on counter or in refrigerator.
- Fresh fruits and vegetables, chocolates, carbonated beverages, wines and other liquors, artificial sweeteners, vitamins and medicines should be placed in the refrigerator.
- Picture frames need to be removed from the wall and placed on the floor below. The hot melt glue may soften, causing the frame to separate and fall off the wall.
- Remove – Antiques – if antiques cannot be removed, contact your POINTE Representative for instructions.
Items that should not be removed from treatment site:
- All clothing (including clothing in closets and drawers), shoes, backpacks, boxes, luggage and bags should not be removed. Clothing should be hung on hangers or put in the clothes dryer on a high heat setting. After going through the drying cycle clothes should be placed in large clean black bags and marked to designate that they have been treated in the customer’s dryer.
- All electronics, radios, televisions (including plasma and LCD), stereo systems, and portable heaters
- Disconnect ALL Smoke detectors.
- Musical instruments. Instruments may de-tune due to expansion and contraction.
- Oil Paintings – should be moved to one room inside the structure so they can be treated by the technicians. The technicians will treat the oil paintings prior to moving the paintings outside the heat treatment zone.
Special Instructions
Please do not open vinyl windows or turn on the air conditioner or heater for at least two hours after the heat treatment. The structure should be allowed to naturally cool down.
*If unable to complete any of these items, you MUST contact your POINTE Representative prior to treatment.
Click on the document link below to print a copy to refer to at any time.
Heat Treatment Instructions/Prep Document
Bed Bug Liquid Follow Up Preparation
#1 – Safety 1st:
Remove ALL people (residents) and pets (including birds, fish, etc.), and stay away for 4-6 hours AFTERtreatment.
#2 – Reduce, Remove, and Organize:
Provide a clean, open environment that will allow the Pointe Technicians to access ALL areas of your home. They need to access ALL of the places, that don’t normally get access – under beds, behind dressers, back corner of closets, behind book shelves, under night stands, behind headboards, etc…
Clean ALL laundry piles, gather and put away ALLtoys, have ALL dishes done, and vacuum ALL carpet. The technicians need a CLEAN, OPEN environment.
#3 – Avoid Additional Fee’s:
To avoid a reschedule fee, clean‐up fee, or delayed start fee, call your Pointe representative to discuss preparations that have been completed and verify that your residence is ready to go.
Delayed start fee (up to 10% of the contract value) can be applied if the Pointe Technicians are unable to begin the job because the premises is not ready. Including but not limited to tenants still in property, doors locked or no access, preparations not complete, pets not being secured and removed, etc…
Cleaning fee (up to 10% of the contract value) can be applied if PPC technicians need to bag or remove cluttered items including but not limited to clothing, toys, storage items, books, papers, etc…
Reschedule fee (up to 30% of the contract value) will be applied if the job needs to be rescheduled. To avoid a reschedule fee, contact your PPC representative 48 hours prior to your service.
*If unable to complete any of these items, you MUST contact your Pointe Representative prior to treatment.
Click on the document link below to print a copy to refer to at any time.
What to Expect After Your Treatment
Bed Bug Infestation Severity: Low, Medium, or High
- Low: After your initial treatment, you should be bed bug FREE (unless there is a re-infestation or a re-introduction). If you see ANY bed bug activity in the next few days or weeks please communicate this to our office.
- Medium: After your treatment today, it is possible to see bed bug activity for the next 7 to 14 days. Today we killed ALL or MOST ALL of the bed bugs. Any survivors should DIE OFF from the residual liquid treatment we applied today (in addition to the heat treatment).
- High: after today’s treatment, it is likely to see bed bug activity for the next couple of weeks. We applied a liquid barrier today (in addition to the heat treatment), and recommend additional liquid treatments every 2 or 3 weeks until the bed bugs have been eliminated. Please contact our office to schedule a follow up treatment.
* Please keep any sample bed bugs in a glass jar and monitor for a few weeks.
* Please document and share with us where you see bed bugs, so we can provide the most effective follow up treatments.