Commercial Bed Bug Control

Green and Energy-Efficient Pest Solutions

Whether it’s your home or business, Pointe Pest Control has you covered with expert pest management solutions. We offer free quotes, consultations, and tailored plans to meet your unique needs. First-time customers can also enjoy an exclusive discount! Take the first step toward a pest-free environment today—schedule your free estimate now.

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Bed Bug Hide and Seek

Bed bugs know how to hide. If you have a bed bug infestation, the only sign might be the bites you are getting each day or night. Imagine your office, now think of all the places you could hide a flake of oatmeal and you will begin to get the idea. The same can be said of your bedroom. Bed bugs are better at hiding than you are at finding them.

They can hide where you will never see them. They can climb deep into electrical outlets and hide in the voids within your walls. If there is a tiny hole in your box springs they will climb inside. Wood joints in your desk or nightstand will allow a bed bug to slip within and disappear. If you are getting bit and you notice the telltale spots of brown blood on your sheets, you know you have a bed bug problem.

Bed bugs can’t hide from Pointe Pest Control

When you call Pointe Pest Control you get a certified bed bug specialist. Our technicians know all the hiding places that bed bugs seek. Whether at your work or in your home, we will be able to find the infestation. We can identify all of the bed bug hot spots. We use the most current and up-to-date technologies. Once we eliminate the infestation, we will take steps to ensure that they never come back.

If you think you have bed bugs give us a call. One of our technicians will arrive and give your home or office a complete walk through. If the infestation is small and difficult to detect, we have specialized K-9 units that are able to sniff out the invaders. A technician will then verify that the insect is a bed bug. When a Pointe Pest Control technician and trained dog work together, there is no way bed bugs can hide.

Green Control

If we discover bed bugs, you do not need to worry. We can treat the problem. Pointe Pest Control is dedicated to protecting our clients from pests and from harsh chemicals. We avoid chemicals that contain toxic additives that degrade soil and pollute water. Our liquid treatments are botanically derived, meaning they come from natural sources in the environment. That way we can protect the environment and keep pest problems from bothering you.

We use more than just chemicals. When Pointe Pest Control is your bed bug elimination source, you can be certain you’re receiving the most proven techniques of integrated pest management. We use multiple techniques to target all the bed bugs at each of it’s life stages. If you’re worried about bed bugs, you need to call us today.

Turning up the Heat on Bed Bug Control

With bed bug infestations increasing across the nation, there was a need for new treatment options. With heat treatments, you get a sustained heat that is capable of eradicating even the heaviest bed bug infestation. Our heat treatment method is thorough and effective.

Bed bugs are better at hiding than you are at finding them. There are hundreds of places bed bugs can hide. They can squeeze into power outlets, disappear into furniture, and wiggle into the cracks within sofas or beds. If your office has an infestation, the number of hiding places can increase dramatically. Bed bugs won’t complain; they can hide in computers, chairs, and within cubicle walls as easy as a bed. If you have a bed bug infestation in your home or business, Pointe Pest Control has the perfect solution.

Thermal Sweet Spot

Fortunately, bed bugs have a weakness. High temperatures will kill them. Bed bugs die at 113 degrees Fahrenheit. Your thermostat won’t ever get close to that heat. We maintain a temperature averaging between 120 to 125 degrees. This way, we can ensure that the heat will penetrate everything within the treatment area. No matter where the bed bugs are hiding, there will be no escape.

Bed Bug heat treatment thermostat

Why you need Pointe Pest Control

When it comes to bed bug infestations, entomologists recommend using professional pest control. That’s why you need Pointe Pest Control. Our professional technicians are certified and have years of experience dealing with bed bugs. When you call Pointe Pest Control, you get a technician dedicated to helping you find a solution. Don’t go another day living with an infestation. Protect your employees, protect your family. Call Pointe Pest Control today.

The Bed Bug Battle

bed bug heater equipment

The last thing you want at work or home is an infestation of bed bugs. Knowing that something is biting you while you sleep or hitching a ride with you from work to your home is disturbing. Unfortunately, bed bugs are on the rise throughout America and are no longer confined to the bedroom. You can now find them in hotels, dorm rooms, movie theaters, schools, restaurants, office buildings and even airplanes and buses. Set a purse down in the wrong place and you could be transporting bed bugs back to your home.

Chemicals from your local garden center aren’t enough to exterminate bed bugs. If you have an infestation in your home or at work you will need the services of a professional bed bug exterminator.

You Need Point Pest Control
Pointe Pest Control is your professional bed bug exterminator expert. If you have a bed bug problem, we have the solution. Bed bugs are experts at hiding, but our technicians now how to find them. When you call us, a courteous, certified bed bug professional will arrive at your home or work to review the infestation. Then he (she) will discuss the situation and create a solution tailored to fit your specific needs.

Liquid Treatments
One of the tools we use to treat a bed bug infestation is our liquid treatment option. Bed bugs are vulnerable when they emerge from hiding to feed, so we create a barrier between you and the hungry bed bugs with a liquid treatment. Once they cross through the liquid residue, they die. Eliminating just the adults, however, isn’t enough, so we treat all their hiding places to eliminate the eggs and the nymphs. The last thing you want is for the bed bugs to return after a treatment and with Pointe Pest Control you can definitely say goodbye to these nasty little pests. Call us today and return to getting a good night’s rest.

If you have an infestation that is preventing your employees from working, or is robbing you of a good night’s rest, you need to call Pointe Pest Control. We’ll handle the infestation so you can get back to work.

Bed Bug Prevention

bed bug prevention

If you don’t have a bed bug infestation now, we want to help you keep it that way.” Sentence three should read: “Education is the first step in preventing an infestation.” Sentence four should read: “If you’re staying in a hotel and you don’t want to bring bed bugs home with you, there are several things you can do to reduce the potential for transport.

  • Bed and Box: Check the sheets for small brown stains and look along the hard edges of the mattress and box springs for bed bugs or eggs.
  • Examine: Open the drawers of the nightstands and bed side tables and look in the dark, upper edges for bed bugs or eggs. Look behind picture frames as well.
  • Drench: Detergent and heat are effective in killing them. When you get home, toss your clothes into the washer on the hottest setting.
  • Bites: If you wake up and discover you have numerous small bite marks, you need to be extra cautious.
  • Up: Use the luggage rack and keep your luggage off the bed and carpets.
  • Gear: Check your luggage and computer equipment for bed bugs before bringing them back in the house.

Bed Bug Monitoring

Since Bed bugs are photophobic, meaning “scared of light,” they like to hide in dark areas. Our technicians can do a complete walk through of your home or office. They’ll monitor potential hot spots for activity. If they see anything suspicious, they’ll investigate further. We’ll keep you updated throughout the entire process and teach you how to identify bed bugs.
If you have a bed bug problem, there is no need to suffer. Don’t wait another day. Your peace of mind is important to us. We can handle any infestation. Give the bed bug eradication professionals at Pointe Pest Control a call today.