Carpenter Ants

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Carpenter Ants Attack

If you thought that termites were the only insect wanting to destroy your home, think again. There is another six legged critter out there that would love to target your home and it is called the carpenter ant. Pointe Pest Control wants to help you protect your home from this awful ant.

a carpenter ant

General Information

Carpenter ants are big. They have big mandibles which they use for chewing away wood. Unlike termites, carpenter ants do not eat wood. Instead, they create their homes by tunneling. The chew massive galleries and pathways. Since your home has wooden studs holding the ceiling together, carpenter ants can create a structural problem for your house. Since they live and toil behind the walls of your home, the problem often goes unnoticed. The coloring for carpenter ants differs. They often come in jet black, but they can also be red and black, or even reddish to yellow. Carpenter ants usually get their start into home through water damaged wood. Once indoors they can and will chew through sound lumber. If left untreated they can ruin your home and make it uninhabitable. Do worry though, because they leave signs that will help you know if there is a problem.

The Signs of an Infestation

  • Debris Piles: Since carpenter ants do not eat the wood, they will push it out of their home. If you notice piles of large grained saw dust, mixed with dead ant parts, it is a good sign that there is something going on behind your walls.
  • Discarded Wings: Like other types of ants, carpenter ant colonies swarm. This is when winged individuals go on mating flights in preparation for starting new colonies. After the flight, they lose their wings. Often, the ants will accumulate around your windows and leave their wings on your window sills.
  • Sound: That’s right if you listen to your walls close enough, you can hear the sounds of ants moving out of sight, just behind your sheetrock. It will sound like a slight rustling. Other people describe it as a soft pattering noise.
  • Worker ants: Since carpenter ants don’t eat the wood, they are still on the lookout for food. They might decide that your pantry is their pantry. You will find big worker ants rummaging around in your food or going after crumbs on your floor.

Carpenter Ants Treatment

Like any ant colony, the queen has to be eliminated. At Pointe Pest Control we use multipronged treatment approach. We stack and combine treatments for and all out effective ant elimination strategy. Our technicians understand carpenter ants and we know how to eliminate them. We have years of ant eradication experience, and when you call us you are putting our years of experience to work for you. When you want to get serious about ant elimination you need to call in the professionals with Pointe Pest Control. With us, ants won’t stand a chance.