House ants, also known as odorous ants, are one of the most common pests homeowners will encounter. It is rare to see a lone ant because they live in colonies and travel together. They are a social insect and communicate through pheromones, signals that can convey the presence of danger or food. When one ant finds food, she (because all worker ants are sterile females) alerts the colony and soon hundreds of ants arrive to collect the bounty. This is the reason when crumbs are left on your floor, you soon have hundreds of ants and a big problem in your kitchen. Keeping ants out feels like an uphill battle, and it is when you do it alone. The only way to effectively keep ants is with professional ant control.
5 Pests That Invite Themselves To Holiday Dinners
Summary: Thanksgiving is a time for enjoying delicious food and quality time with family, not pest invasions! This blog discusses…
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