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The Feared Black Widow Spiders
Black widow spiders are one of the most feared spiders in the United States. Their reputation precedes them as most people know the danger these spiders possess in their venomous bites. Even if some are unaware of their potentially lethal bite, just their appearance itself can make the most courageous person flinch. That shiny black body with its starkly red hourglass on their abdomens just seems to say, “Don’t mess with me.” Instinctively, we humans fear things that can hurt us. Possibly wound into our DNA is the knowledge that bears, snakes, sharks and yes, black widows can mortally wound us. It is important to be aware that in the US, some black widow spiders are actually brown.

General Information
You know generally what black widow spiders look like, but it’s important to know their habitat and way of life so you do not stumble into them. They are reclusive kinds of spiders and do not like to be seen. These arachnids build their webs in hidden holes, dark corners and crevices. Their webs are not pretty by any means, they are messy and tangled, typically close to the ground. Their goal is to catch any falling bugs, flies or insects that come near their web. It is important to note that black widow spiderlings do not look anything like their adult parents. Instead, when they hatch out of their egg sac, they are white in color and slowly darken with each molting until they reach maturity.
The Signs of an Infestation
Black widows are excellent at hiding out so you may be unaware of an infestation until you stumble upon a web, or worse, a bite occurs. Even if you do not see the actual spider, finding a messy web is a good indication that you have a problem. One female black widow spider can lay an egg sac that holds up to 400 spiderlings. 400!!! These tiny, white spiderlings are difficult to see, nearly impossible unless you are looking for them. As they mature, their venom becomes more potent. In fact, in relation to volume and drop for drop, black widow spider venom is 15 times more poisonous than a rattlesnake. Black widows are hard to spot so the best thing to do is to use a flashlight to scan the dark corners and hiding spots in and out of your home. These spiders are more active at night so you may find them easier in the evenings.
Black Widow Spiders Treatment
If you have a black widow spider infestation, you should never attempt to take care of the problem alone. Pointe Pest Control’s professional technicians know how to safely remove black widow spider infestations from your home without any harm coming to your family. If you have small children or pets, you want your home to be a place of safety and when that feeling is disrupted, it can cause a lot of stress. Our team understands your need for a completely spider free home and without the use of toxic chemicals. Effective spider control from Pointe Pest Control utilizes the most effective, non-toxic, environmentally friendly approach to black widow spider control. Stop worrying and call the experts to put your mind to rest.