Jumping Spiders

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The Cute Jumping Spiders?

Spiders are among the most hated creatures on the planet. The very sight of their creepy, crooked legs and angry looking bodies makes us wince. But if you have ever seen a jumping spider up close, it is hard to call these guys scary looking. With their rectangular faces and oversized middle pair of eyes, they seem to be giving you that cute, puppy dog look. “Don’t hurt me, let me stay in your house forever.” As cute as those gigantic, smiling eyes are, no one wants spiders overrunning their home. We can appreciate these guys from afar and what they do to control the fly and insect population, but they are not welcome to join us on the sofa for some Netflix binging. It’s time for some expert jumping spider control from Pointe Pest Control.

a jumping spider on a leaf getting ready to jump

General Information

Jumping spiders have 8 pair of eyes, with 2 giant anterior median eyes in the middle, 2 smaller anterior lateral eyes on either side and 4 smaller eyes on top. The unique placement and size of the jumping spiders’ eyes is a distinguishing characteristic but another easy way to identify them is in their name—they jump! Maybe you see a jumping spider on your living room curtains, you go in for the kill and BAM! He’s gone! Jumping out of danger is how these spiders avoid harm or how they leap to catch their prey. Within their legs, they use a sudden burst of hemolymph (blood) pressure to propel themselves forward, as well as contracting muscles within its legs. The jump of this spider is surprising and can make them difficult to catch and control if you have an infestation.

The Signs of an Infestation

Jumping spiders often enter the home through poorly sealed windows and doors as well as cracks or crevices into the home. The home environment is not their preferred place of residence, but these spiders will go where they can find food and shelter from cold temperatures or harsh weather conditions. They do not spin webs, but instead use their silk as a sort of anchor as they leap to catch prey and then come back to this anchor as a point of return. Finding them on your walls, ceilings, sofas, window ledges and draperies is most common. Their eyes function like a telescope so scouting your home for other little insects is what they are in search of. Professional pest control not only keeps jumping spiders at bay, but also takes care of the food they are in search of.

Jumping Spiders Treatment

Comprehensive pest control treatments combat all types of pest infestations, not only jumping spiders. By contacting your professional friends at Pointe Pest Control for your jumping spider infestation, we will also take care of other insects in your home that the jumping spider is feeding on. Jumping spiders are carnivorous and like to eat flies, roaches, crickets and any other type of insect they can find. If your home has nothing for them to eat, they will be less likely to stay. Continued, year round jumping spider and pest control in your home keeps your home free from all types of pest infestations. Call us today for the most experienced, safe and effective methods to keep your home pest and jumping spider free all year long.