Carpenter Bees

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Carpenter Bees the Pollinators

Carpenter bees are not just any ordinary bees. They may fly around and at first glance look just like a regular honey bee but they are disaster waiting to happen. If you see an increased number of carpenter bees around your home, you need to take action. These bees, like honey bees are vital to our ecosystem and agriculture, as they pollinate much of our nation’s farmland helping to yield fruitful crops. But no matter how beneficial these bees are in nature, they are a disaster if they decide to build a home too close to your home and you need immediate and professional help to get rid of them.

a carpenter bee

General Information

Carpenter bees look similar to bumble bees being about 12-22mm in size, however their abdomens are more covered in hair and the color patterns differ slightly with the same yellow face but carpenter bees having a more black, purplish or greenish colored thorax. They often give off a metallic appearance and their coloring is not as vibrant as the bumble bee. Unlike the bumble bee, this bee is not a social insect. They prefer to live a more isolated life and do not live in nests or colonies. These bees can sting you but only the female bees are capable of stinging. They are not aggressive but female carpenter bees do not lose their stinger when they sting so they can deliver multiple stings at a time if they feel threatened. Male carpenter bees do not sting but will become aggressive and act threatening to scare away predators. Once a female carpenter bee mates, she lays her eggs deep within the wood she has burrowed out and it won’t be long before an infestation occurs.

The Signs of an Infestation

The biggest sing of an infestation are the mud dauber nests. Like their name suggests, they use a lot of mud in which to create their nesting area. They take mud, mix it with saliva and create insect cement. The nest often looks like hollow mud tubes. Sometimes they will be arranged together in a flute or organ pipe look. The mud tubes are resistant to water. The tubes will be section off into rooms, where new larva will develop. If the mud tubes have holes in them, that means the new larva have already matured and left the nesting tubes. Mud dauber love building their nests on the sides of your home, under your eaves, on sheds, and even on fences. Sometimes they will build the mud tubes inside of wall voids or other voids. Pretty much, if you see mud tube nests, then you have mud daubers.

Carpenter Bees Treatment

Pointe Pest Control technicians will work with you to seal your home and find the entrance points these carpenter bees have used or created. A completely sealed home with preventative treatments employed means that carpenter bees have less of a chance of making your home their home too. It is vital to the structural integrity and safety of your home that you schedule year round pest control treatments and inspections as the signs of an infestation are subtle and often missed by busy homeowners. Call us today for the best pest control around.