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Cicada Killers
It’s big and looks terrifying, especially when you see this massive wasp carrying a cicada as it flies through the air. Don’t worry though, what you are seeing is a cicada killer wasp and it has no interest in you. Cicada killer wasps are only interested in two things. One; they want to dig a really big tunnel, and two; they want to find a cicada and kill it. Unlike paper wasps and yellow jackets, cicada killer wasps are not territorial. If you get close to a nest, or walk past a group of cicada killers, they are going to leave you alone. The only way you can get stung is if you decide to go out and torment one. You could also get sting if you accidentally step on a cicada killer wasp, but you would have to be barefoot.

General Information
Cicada killer wasps are robust. They are some of the largest wasps in the United States. They are thick bodied and usually look a bit hairy are reddish brown to black in coloration. Their abdomen will have light yellow stripes. Because of this coloration, they are often mistaken as yellow jackets. Their wings are a glassy brown color. Adults feed on nectar and pollen. Female cicada killer wasps are bigger than the males, because they need the extra size to be able to capture cicadas. Female cicada killer wasps will find a cicada, sting it to make it go dormant, fly to the nest, and then lay her eggs on the sleeping cicada. When the eggs hatch, the larva devours the cicada and then they undergo a complete metamorphosis to become the next generation of cicada killer wasps.
The Signs of an Infestation
While identifying them can be tricky if you are not familiar with the appearance of a cicada killer wasp, there is an easier way to know if you have them. Cicada killer wasps dig massive holes which they use as their nests. During the process of excavation, they can move several pounds of dirt. That’s right, several pounds. You will notice a hole surrounded by a “U” shaped pile of fresh dirt. If they are infesting a stone paver walkway, they will cause a lot of problems by undermining the stones. You will see big piles of sand and holes between the paver blocks. Cicada killer wasps are solitary wasps, but they like sandy soils, so it is possible to find several in the same area.
Cicada Killers Treatment
While cicada killer wasps are considered to be beneficial insects by entomologists, you still don’t want them ruining your flower beds and undermining your walkways. When it comes to pesky pests, you can rely on the expertise and professional capacity of Pointe Pest Control. We understand cicada killers and we know how to get them out of your yard. We have years of experience and have the tools we need to give you the type of comprehensive pest treatment you deserve. You can count on Pointe Pest Control to deliver effective pest elimination.