Pointe Pest Control 2018 Scholarships Winners

We are excited to be able to offer scholarships to students from Idaho, Washington, and Oregon for the 4th year in a row. We enjoy seeing the different applications and goals of students throughout the states where we work. This year we awarded three students with $750 scholarships to help them further their educations. To change things up, students were asked to share with us a good deed that they had done for someone in their community or around the world. It is refreshing to see how thoughtful and observant the students in these three states are and how dedicated they are to making their communities better places to live. After an extensive review of the applications, we were able to choose three winners.

Idaho Winner: Janna Baker


Janna gathered items and put together care packages filled with newborn baby essentials. She reached out to major organizations for donations to help fill the packages. After they were finished, she donated them to a local hospital to help families in need as they welcomed their new babies.

Oregon Winner: Maliah Cates


Maliah gathered a group of friends together after she noticed many homeless people living in her area who were cold during the winter. Together, with her friends, she went door to door and gathered blankets and warm clothing to donate to homeless shelters in her community.

Washington Winner: Emma Spurbeck


After her elderly neighbor’s spouse passed away, Emma made it a priority to regularly visit and help her neighbor with everyday tasks both inside and outside of her home. From picking up groceries to mowing the lawn, Emma visits her neighbor each week to lend a hand and be a friend.

We appreciate these students’ service to their communities and are happy to give back to them. Each of these students have been awarded a $750 scholarship to help them with the expense of college.

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