Pest Control in Wenatchee

Pointe Pest Control office in Wenatchee, Washington

Phone Number


Pointe Office/s Serving Wenatchee

Business Hours

March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
or By Appointment

October – February Hours
Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment

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Bed Bug Treatment Coupon (L)


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Wenatchee, WA Pest Control

Wenatchee, Washington is a beautiful land among the mountains and the nearby Columbia River and Wenatchee River flowing through it. Wenatchee is a feast for the eyes with gorgeous mountain views and plenty of outdoors adventures awaiting you. Strolling through the Pybus Public Market, exploring the Apple Capital Loop Trail or enjoying the serenity at the Riverfront Park are a few local favorites that make a day in Wenatchee complete. One thing that can detract from the perfection of a beautiful day is learning that your home is infested with pests. Pests not only cause damage, they carry disease and they can make you and your family really sick. Rodents, fleas, ticks and mosquitoes carry incredibly debilitating, even potentially deadly diseases and if your home or yard is swarming with them, you increase your chances of contracting one of these diseases.

The nature of pest

The definition of a pest is an annoying nuisance or destructive insect or animal that destroys homes, crops, food and livestock. Here are a few more things you should know about pests:

  • They want inside: By their very nature, pests see your home and want inside. They seem to have an uncanny nose for places that feed their needs for shelter, warmth and sustenance. Your home has the ability to sustain them and their family for a very long time.
  • You can’t wait for them to die: Pest infestations will not just die out. Once you have an infestation in your home, you simply cannot wait for them to die or go away.
  • Pests reproduce rapidly: This is the reason why pest infestations will not just go away. They reproduce so quickly that their numbers can grow from a few to a few thousand in a very short time. If you see one rodent or just a couple of ants, just know there are many more where they came from.
  • Pests are quiet: The reason homeowners don’t find out about infestations till the numbers are great is because pests are sneaky and can live right under your nose for a long time. If they lumbered around like elephants, you would know they were inside your home instantly but because they are silent, you might be unaware for a long time.
  • They cost a lot of money in damage: Pests are destructive and many pests can harm your home in an expensive way. Termites and carpenter ants go for the support structures of your home, rodents eat away at your belongings, storage, wires and walls and other pests leave a big mess of droppings and nesting material. The cost of repairing pest damage is often substantially more than it would cost to have routine pest treatments to keep them out.
  • Pests carry diseases and spread germs: Pests are dirty. Rodents carry hantavirus, leptospirosis, the plague and more. Cockroaches can spread salmonella and e.coli. Mosquitoes, ticks and fleas carry West Nile virus, malaria, Rocky Mountain fever, Lyme disease and many more scary diseases. You can’t take a chance with your health when it comes to pests.
  • Other pests can hurt you: Some pests may not spread disease but they can cause pain or even death with a single bite. A spider bite is painful but some spiders are deadly, such as the brown recluse or the black widow. Mosquitoes and bed bugs feast on your blood and wasps and bees can sting you. If you are allergic, these stings can be deadly.

When it comes to pests, the damage they can do to your health, home and happiness is very grave indeed. You must take precautions and those safety measures involve professional Wenatchee pest control.