Spider Control in The Dalles

Pointe Pest Control office in The Dalles Oregon

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Pointe Office/s Serving The Dalles

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March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
or By Appointment

October – February Hours
Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment


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Local The Dalles Spider Control

Dealing With Spiders As Unwanted Guests In Your Home

The Dalles is the county seat of Wasco County in Oregon and it is also one of its largest cities. Running along the banks of the Columbia River and within the boundaries of Mount Hood National Forest, it has all the conveniences of an upscale, urban location while still retaining its natural beauty. Unfortunately, life in the forest and along the riverside does come with its risks. Among these are the increased likelihood of pests, of which spiders tend to be among the most feared.

There are few things as uncomfortable as finding yourself tangled in a spider web. Even the smallest, most harmless spider can elicit a strong response from both adults and children alike. If you have been experiencing problems with spider webs or the occasional sight of a spider in your home, it could be a sign of a larger infestation. At Pointe Pest Control, our spider control experts in The Dalles can help you reclaim your property and your peace of mind, eliminating this problem for good.

Common Spiders Found in the Dalles

According to the Oregon Department of Agriculture, there are more than 500 species of spiders located throughout the state. They come in all sizes, colors, and shapes, but the ones most likely to be found in our particular area and in your home or office include:

  • Hobo spiders: Brown in color, these pests latch onto people’s belongings and often make their way into your home as the result of a move;
  • Giant house spiders: These are also known as ‘hitchhikers’ like the hobo, traveling through boxes and shipping containers, and share the same general appearance, however they tend to be larger in size.
  • Yellow sac spiders: With distinctive pale yellow or light green markings, these spider are often found in gardens and in patio planters, making their way into your home during the cold weather months.
  • Black widow spiders: One of the most feared and potentially dangerous types of spiders, these are also known to travel to various areas. Large and hairy, they are easily identified by their color and the distinctive red markings on their back.

Other common spiders in The Dalles area include the wolf, grass, flower, and writing spider. Some of these can get quite large, and while many are not known to be aggressive or likely to directly attack, you risk getting bit by a spider when reaching into cabinets, drawers, crawlspaces, and other areas where spiders have taken up residence.

Eliminating Spiders From Your Home

The Mayo Clinic advises that while dangerous spider bites are rare, they can occur when spiders are allowed to breed and infest areas around your home or business, such as in pantries, garages, wood piles, supply buildings, and sheds. Aside from the risk of serious injuries and illness, there is the fear factor that goes along with spiders. Knowing that there is a chance of finding one crawling in your cabinet, nesting in your garden, or building a web on your front porch makes it hard to relax and enjoy your home. In professional settings, the presence of spiders appears as a poor reflection on the owner. It can drive off business and in the event, a bite does occur among your employees, it could increase your workers’ compensation costs.

At Pointe Pest Control, our spider control experts in The Dalles provide the solutions you need to eliminate this problem. We use treatments that are highly effective, yet safe enough to be used around children or pets. We know that being eco-friendly is important to you and it is important to us as well. You can trust our products and our highly skilled team to eliminate your spider problem while protecting the natural environment.