Is it a Nice Honey Bee or a Killer Wasp?

When you’re outside in your yard and hear a buzzing and see a stinger, it’s easy to classify anything with those two traits as a bee. These poor bees are often sorely misjudged. Mistaking an aggressive wasp with a peaceful honey bee is akin to mixing up a gorilla with a human. To our eyes, something that small and far away often looks very similar to one another but upon closer inspection, they are actually quite different. Each creature is distinctive in their own way and below are a few identifiers that will help you tell an immediate difference.

Wasp vs. Bee


In temperament, wasps are more aggressive than bees. Unless bothered or threatened, bees rarely “charge” humans while wasps get annoyed fairly easily and if angered, they will attack and repeatedly sting. Bees have shorter, fat legs while wasps have long, slender legs. Bees are rather fuzzy and “fluffy” looking with a round abdomen in comparison to the smooth and sleek looking wasp with its cylindrical body.

Hornet vs. Bee


Hornets look like a smaller version of a wasp and when it comes to temperament, they are less aggressive than wasps, only stinging when provoked. However, similar to wasps and unlike bees, hornets can sting repeatedly without harm to themselves while bees die with one sting. In appearance, bees are fuzzy, black and yellow while hornets are hairless, brown and yellow.

Yellowjacket vs. Wasp


Yellowjackets and wasps are commonly confused and as they buzz quickly around you, it may be hard to tell the difference. Yellow jackets have a longer body than a wasp and their wings fold lengthwise along their body when at rest, where wasp’s wings point slightly outwards. The similarities are hard to spot but if you know what you’re looking for, you can become an expert.

Honey bee vs. Killer bee

The differences between these two are very hard to spot with the naked eye. Most people have no idea until a hive of killer bees swarms them. They do have a slight color difference, the killer bee being a darker grey/yellow and the honey bee is a brighter yellow. Never just assume a hive of “honey bees” is safe. It may be too late before you find out they’re Africanized killer bees.

Never take chances. When you see a hive of bees in your yard, combatting this alone is a bad idea. When you need Bend wasp control, don’t hesitate, call in the troops at Pointe Pest Control. The professionals have the right equipment and the know how to get rid of any bee, wasp, hornet, or yellowjacket nest. Taking risks when it comes to hundreds or thousands of stinging insects is best left to the experts. Call us today!

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