Ant Control in Olympia

Olympia Washington Pest Control Team

Phone Number


Pointe Office/s Serving Olympia

1025 Blacklake Blvd SW-2E Olympia, Washington 98502

Business Hours

March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
or By Appointment

October – February Hours
Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment

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Why You Need Professional Olympia Ant Control

Ants are extremely common in Olympia, and throughout the rest of the country. Odorous house ants, pharaoh ants, and carpenter ants are just a few types of ants that are native to Washington and so, these species are particularly prevalent. Ants are not only a nuisance, but they also have the potential to spread disease, which is why it is so important to eliminate them as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, this is very difficult to do on your own. Most home and business owners find that working with a professional Olympia ant control company is the most effective and efficient way to get rid of these pests.

Why Do Ants Invade Homes?

There are two main reasons ants invade homes. The first is that they are constantly in search of food and water. While a few crumbs left out on the counter may not seem like a big deal, they are essential for ants and they will enter a home to find them. For this reason, it is important to consistently clean spills, crumbs, and anything else that could attract ants.

Just as ants enter homes in search of food, they are also looking for water, which is essential for all living things. Ants will also find water anywhere they can and it does not have to be inside a home. Outdoor faucets, gutters, and other items outside, such as bird baths, also all attract ants and so, it is important to clean and repair these areas on a regular basis.

Ants also make their way inside a home when the weather conditions outside are uninhabitable. If weather conditions become too hot, too cold, too dry, or too wet, ants will try to enter a home in search of more desirable conditions. It may not seem as though home and business owners can do anything to prevent this problem. However, keeping the inside of a structure as clean as possible will eliminate anything that could possibly attract ants inside.

Where Do Ants Nest?

Seeing a line of ants marching across a countertop is a clear sign that there is an ant problem inside of a home. Sometimes though, you may only see one or two ants and wonder if there is a bigger problem lurking in an area that is not as visible. When this is the case, there are some areas you can check to determine if you have an ant problem. Outside, ants will nest in soil, wood piles, cracks in the pavement, and around fallen trees and inside tree stumps.

There are also places inside your home you can check to determine if you have an ant problem. Indoors, ants are most likely to nest in areas that are not highly visible. Checking under your floors, in crawl spaces, and behind large appliances can alert you to an infestation that is possibly growing. Checking in and around your heating system can also help you spot ants that are looking for a warm area to nest.

When is Professional Help Necessary?

Seeing one or two ants in the home may not seem like a major issue, but it is a sign that an infestation has already developed, or that one is about to. While you may at first try many of the do-it-yourself products that are widely available, this is not the wisest decision.

These products are not only ineffective, but they also have the potential to be very harmful to your health. It is not an exaggeration to say that people have been hospitalized for using these products incorrectly. They are full of toxic chemicals that when used improperly, can make you very sick. A professional Olympia ant control company will use treatments that are as effective as they are safe for you and your family.

One reason ant control specialists can effectively eliminate your problem is because they know how to identify the type of ant you are dealing with. A solution that works on fire ants, for example, may be ineffective against pavement ants. Ant control experts know the characteristics of ants and how they live, which is an invaluable resource when trying to get rid of a problem.