Understanding Olympia Bed Bug Control
No one ever wants to deal with a bed bug infestation. While these insects do not carry disease, they do bite as a means of getting food, and they can make it impossible to get a good night’s sleep. It is important that everyone understands the basics about bed bugs, including how to prevent them from getting into the home in the first place. When that is not enough, our Olympia bed bug control company can provide the solutions you need to get rid of these creatures once and for all.
What are Bed Bugs?
Bed bugs are insects that are relatively small and flat. These insects feed on a person’s blood, usually at night while they are sleeping. An adult bed bug measures only one-quarter of an inch long and they have oval bodies. The appearance of bed bugs is often compared to that of an apple seed. Bed bugs feed for about three to ten minutes at a time and as they do, their bodies become swollen and bright red. When a bed bug has not just fed, they are usually rust-colored.
Bed bugs do not have wings and they cannot fly. However, female bed bugs can lay between 200 and 400 eggs during their lifetime, depending on the temperature of their environment and their food supply. Bed bugs do not live in colonies, but if you have one, you likely have many others, and they can multiply fairly quickly. It is important to both prevent bed bugs from getting into your home, and to call an Olympia bed bug control expert if they still make their way inside.
Bed Bug Prevention Tips
Bed bugs are notorious travelers, using luggage to travel from hotels into a person’s home, and even hiding out in furniture that is delivered to a home. Bed bugs also use small crevices, cracks, and ventilation ducts in floors and walls to easily move throughout apartment and condo buildings. While the fact that bed bugs can move so easily from one place to another may make it seem as though it is impossible to prevent them from invading your home, that is not the case. Some of the best bed bug prevention tips are as follows:
- Clean your home regularly, including vacuuming your mattress. Bed bugs generally do not care about cleanliness or the lack of it, but keeping things clean will provide fewer places for bed bugs to hide.
- Immediately after you return from a trip, wash your clothes and inspect your luggage.
- Inspect secondhand furniture thoroughly before bringing it into your home.
- Do not bring box springs, mattresses, upholstered furniture, or discarded bed frames into your home if they were discarded by someone else.
Due to the threat of bringing bed bugs home with you after a trip, it is also important to keep some other prevention tips in mind. These include:
- Check the mattress, box spring, and other furniture in your hotel room. If you find live insects or blood spots, ask to be moved to a different room.
- Store all of your belongings in your luggage and in plastic bags.
- Do not store luggage on the bed or floor. Use the luggage rack provided.
- If you can, move the bed away from the wall.
- Ensure all bed sheets are tucked in and do not allow the blankets to touch the floor.
- When you return home, place your luggage in a separate area, such as in the garage. Inspect the luggage carefully before bringing it into your home.
- Remove your clothes from your luggage and place them into the washing machine immediately, cleaning them in the hottest water possible. Place all clean items into the dryer for at least 20 minutes.
Unfortunately, even when the utmost care is taken, bed bugs still sometimes find their way into a home. When that is the case, it is important to work with an Olympia bed bug control company, rather than trying to tackle the problem on your own.