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Indian Meal Moths
You’ve got a hankering to bake a decadent, chocolate cake, you mix the wet ingredients and now it’s time for the flour. You open your bag of flour but to your horror, a few moths fly out. Moths!? What!? You also notice some wriggly, worm-like creatures and your dreams of a luscious, gooey, chocolatey cake are evaporating. Inspecting your pantry, you find more moths. And you thought moths just wanted your sweaters. Nope, the indian meal moth has attacked and it hits you where it hurts. All the foundational ingredients to your baking such as flours and grains but also any starchy treats like cereals, crackers and cookies are all the perfect target for an indian meal moth. There is just nothing more upsetting than pouring a bowl of cereal only to see your Frosty O’s come out with some frosty meal moths and larvae. Don’t let anymore of your pantry treats become a casualty to this pest, you need Pointe Pest Control.

General Information
The indian meal moth was given its name when it was first spotted feasting upon cornmeal, also known as indian meal. Around ⅝ to ¾ of an inch, this brown and tan striped moth starts its life out as a creamy colored larvae with a little brown tipped head. Though the moths are the most visible and annoying, surprisingly enough, the moths are not the biggest problem. They don’t actually eat anything. Many times when you find them in your cracker or cookie boxes, they may be dead, because adult indian meal moths only live long enough to mate and lay eggs. The real culprit are the larvae because they pretty much eat constantly in their larval state. These insects are also nocturnal so they do all their dirty work while you sleep. Like many pests, indian meal moths are found all over the world and on every continent except Antarctica.
The Signs of a Indian Meal Moths Infestation
The first signs of an infestation are typically the moths. If you see the moths, chances are you already have a big problem because pretty much once these insects reach adulthood, they are eager to lay their eggs. The larvae can eat through soft plastic and cardboard in your pantry so it’s hard to know where they have infested. It becomes overwhelming when you realize you have an indian moth infestation. Do you just throw everything away? And if you you toss everything, when you buy new foods, will they just come back again? The answer is yes. It is difficult to get rid of this pest without some expert help.
Indian Meal Moths Treatment
One thing that does help an indian meal moth infestation is to remove as much of their food source as possible. Storing all starchy flours and snacks in airtight containers is the first step to combating these terrible bugs. Not only does it protect your food from invaders, but it does help to deter the infestation a little. The problem is that this pest is pretty resistant to the attempts of most homeowners try to removing them. It does take a skilled approach from an experienced pest control company such as Pointe Pest Control who knows how to safely and effectively remove this hard to treat pest. Stop the uphill struggle against indian meal moths and call us today!