
Green and Energy-Efficient Pest Solutions

Whether it’s your home or business, Pointe Pest Control has you covered with expert pest management solutions. We offer free quotes, consultations, and tailored plans to meet your unique needs. First-time customers can also enjoy an exclusive discount! Take the first step toward a pest-free environment today—schedule your free estimate now.

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The Mighty Vole

When you talk about a pest, you might mean an irritating relative that asks incessant questions while following you around your kitchen. When we talk about pests, we mean an organism that is a nuisance usually in the home. Voles are definitely a pest. If you value your yard and have spent a great deal of time transforming it into a paradise, voles will definitely be a pest. If you have voles causing problems in your yard, you can count on Pointe Pest Control to provide real solutions to any vole infestation issue.

vole rodent a type of rodent

General Information

Voles are also referred to as field mice or even meadow mice. Unlike the house mouse, voles will not invade your home because they prefer the outside. Voles have far shorter tails than mice, with longer fur. As far as food choices go, voles are vegetarians. They enjoy plants, bulbs, roots, grasses, tree bark, fruits and nuts. Since they love to eat, voles will easily consume their own body weight every day. Since they burrow underground, they are able to get to and destroy sensitive bulbs and roots throughout your yard and garden. Voles get most of their water needs from the foods they eat. Voles are rapid reproducers. Under ideal conditions, a female vole can produce a little over 100 offspring in a single year.

The Signs of an Infestation

There are a few signs that you have a vole situation. One of the easiest ways to know if your yard is infested with voles is to look for pathways. To make things easier, voles create pathways through grass. These pathways act as roads that enable a vole to get to food sources quickly. These pathways are most prevalent after the snows melt. Voles love using these pathways to travel under the snow. Another sign will be the damage to your vegetation. Voles love to eat bulbs. If you have any bulbs in your landscape, they will find them and eat them. They also love to eat the bark off of trees. If you notice the bottom of your tree is missing the bark, there is a good chance that you can blame the voles. Eating all the bark from a tree will girdle it and can easily kill your favorite shade tree.

Vole Treatment

The best way to treat voles is to combine a variety of treatment options into a single comprehensive plan. Voles have a few weaknesses. Our technicians understand these weaknesses and use them to create a multipronged treatment approach. If you have an issue with voles and you want them out of your yard or garden, we have a solution. We use the most current and scientifically proven treatment options. We want to help you protect you yard and plants from pesky voles. You don’t have to watch all of your hard work be ruined by a pest. We provide real pest solutions the right way, the first time. For effective pest control, you can count on Pointe Pest Control to provide the best.