Ant Control in Lewiston

Phone Number


Pointe Office/s Serving Lewiston

Business Hours

March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
or By Appointment

October – February Hours
Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment

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Lewiston Pest Control Stop Ants in their Tracks

Nothing says adventure like a hot-air balloon ride, soaring above the beautiful Lewiston countryside and gazing at the countryside. From above, all those people and cars look like little ants, scurrying about their lives doing their busy work. From a hot-air balloon, it’s entertaining to think of the scene below as an ant city. However, it’s no longer funny when you’re gazing at a real life ant city in your kitchen. Nothing is worse than finding ants in your food and infesting your home.

Common places ants hide in your home

Not surprisingly, ants love the kitchen. Sweet food, sugar, honey, and any crumbs that have escaped your broom will likely shout “come hither” to hungry ant colonies. Spills or moisture around your sink could soon become an ant pool party. Ants love excessively wet environments. Any guesses on another favorite spot in the house? Yep, the bathroom. Sinks, toilets and tubs create the perfect haven for any infestation.

Get rid of them!

If you’ve seen just one ant, chances there are more and they are calling their friends. Don’t wait for a little problem to turn into a big disaster. Call one of our profession technicians today before the ants multiply and your meals start marching off your table!