Bed Bug Control in Lewiston

Pointe Pest Control Office, warehouse Clarkston, Washington

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Pointe Office/s Serving Lewiston

Business Hours

March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
or By Appointment

October – February Hours
Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment

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Lewiston Bed Bug Control Beware the Biter

You should head over to Lewiston’s Pioneer Park for a sweet outdoor movie night this summer. Offered by Lewiston Parks and Recreation there’s a wide variety of movies ready for the whole family to enjoy. Unfortunately, there is something creeping around at night ready to enjoy you… and your whole family.

Bad, Bad Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs are on the rise throughout America, and Lewiston is of no exception. The little pests thrive on human blood; it is their only food source. Infestations can be difficult to detect, their bites are often mistaken for mosquito or spiders bites. But unlike the latter two, their bite is painless. They numb the area before they bite. That way they can drink their fill without waking you.

Their flat little bodies wake up to carbon dioxide and warmth. Bed Bugs wait until we are fast asleep and then they crawl out of their hiding places to feed. One bedbug can become an infestation fast. A single female bed bug can lay 8-9 eggs in a week. In just a few months, there will be thousands.


Detection is the first step toward control. Bed bugs are photophobic; they don’t like light. The best places to look are under beds and along the box springs. Beds aren’t their only hiding places. Make sure to check inside nightstands, behind pictures and even within electrical outlets. If you think you can simply move to another room, think again. When bed bugs get hungry, they will spend all night searching. They can move about 30 feet in an hour. Unless you live in very large house, they will find you where you are sleeping, tonight.

Control is difficult. Bed bugs are resilient. They can go up to five months without food and they are very difficult to kill. Entomologists and even DIY sites recommend using professionals to eradicate infestations.

Pointe Pest Control is in Lewiston

Pointe Pest Control is ready to wipe out any bed bug infestations plaguing your home. Our technicians have the knowledge and skills needed to eliminate the pests. We understand and use integrated pest management practices. Chemicals are only one of the methods we use. If you have a bed bud problem, Pointe Pest Control is the solution. Give us a call and soon you’ll be back to enjoying outdoor movies without worrying about what’s waiting to enjoy you at home. Pointe Pest Control is in Lewiston and ready to help.