Wasp Control in Lewiston

Pointe Pest Control Office, warehouse Clarkston, Washington

Phone Number


Pointe Office/s Serving Lewiston

Business Hours

March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
or By Appointment

October – February Hours
Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment


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Lewiston Wasp Control Hell and Stingers

From Steelhead fishing to helicopter tours of Hells Canyon Resort, Lewiston has everything to make a summer great. On the flipside, from stingers to biting jaws, wasps have everything to turn your summer into another kind of hell.

Wicked Wasps

Unlike the docile honeybee, wasps have some serious anger management issues. They will attack and sting you simply for walking beneath their nest. Hundreds of barb-carrying wasps can swarm with little to no provocation. They never lose their stingers and with each attack, they inject venom. The venom is painful and for those who suffer from allergies it could be fatal without medical intervention.

Their umbrella-shaped homes are constructed of chewed-up wood mixed with saliva. They seek out dry areas safe from rain in which to build their nests. Under the eaves of your home and inside dense bushes are the more common places; however, there are numerous other building sites. Nests have been found in playground equipment, grills, old toys, vacant rodent holes and even inside of sprinkler boxes.

Hearty Appetites

Like us, wasps love sugar and meat. Nothing brings the wasps out faster than a meaty barbecue where sugary soft drinks are available. If your home has nests nearby, you’ll soon have a lot of uninvited guests buzzing around the meal. The best time to have a barbecue is the worst time to be around wasps. Aggression levels reach a high during the late summer especially when it gets hot and dry. If you find that your yard has been over run it is time to call in the professionals.

Pointe Pest Control is in Lewiston

Don’t let these pests ruin your summer. Take back your barbecues and picnics. Pointe Pest Control has certified pesticide professionals that can combat any insect infestation, especially those of the black and yellow kind. We use chemicals that are safe and effective. Our technicians understand pest life cycles and the integrated methods that will get rid of any issue. Let us worry about the problems so you can get back to enjoyment and maybe catch that helicopter ride.