Bend Termite Control
Termites are a fascinating species of insect. Their colonies are divided into three castes composed of termites whose main job it is to create new colonies (reproductive termites), termites whose main job it is to protect the colony (warrior termites), and termites whose main job is to perform the work necessary to ensure everyone else gets fed (the worker termites). Unlike human workers, termites work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to ensure that the rest of the colony is fed. This includes the colony’s queen who can live up to 30 years—longer than any other known insect.
Of course, the very things that make termites so interesting also make them very destructive. Termites extract the moisture from wood, attacking the wood at a cellular level. Since they don’t need rest breaks, the worker caste will spend all of its time destroying your most valuable asset: your home. Each year, termites do millions of dollars in damage to American homes. Pointe Pest Control can save you thousands of dollars in major damage, but you have to act quickly before the infestation gets out of control.
Understanding Termite Control
Most people have an image of termites attacking walls, but termites actually attack your home from beneath its foundation. In the State of Washington, the majority of termite species are subterranean termites that move through ground soil and attack from below. From there, they exploit tiny cracks in your foundation to gain entry into your home where they start doing serious damage.
How easily they can access your home will depend on the type of foundation you have. Basic slab foundations are the easiest for termites to exploit since they crack quickly. Concrete foundations reinforced with rebar will take more time to crack, but a termite doesn’t need much space to get in.
One of the reasons termites cause so much damage annually is that homeowners won’t recognize that there’s a problem until it’s too late. Termites are craft in that way. Not only do they attack from below, but they eat wood from the inside out. By the time you find and identify a termite, they’ve already begun causing serious damage to your home.
How to Identify Termites and Termite Activity
Termites are close cousins to ants and share much of the same DNA. For that reason, homeowners often get termites confused with ants. Termites are lighter in color than black ants and darker in color than white ants. Their bodies appear translucent as opposed to solid.
Another key difference between termites and ants is the shape of their bodies. Remember your lessons in school concerning the anatomy of insects? They are divided into three segments, the head, thorax and abdomen. For ants, these three segments are clearly defined. In termites, however, it is difficult to distinguish the thorax from the abdomen. For that reason, termites only appear to have two segments even though they have three.
One of the first things that you may notice is a number of tiny discarded wings. When reproductive termites go forth to found a new colony, they lose their wings once they settle in. If you see discarded wings, therefore, it means you have a recent termite colony somewhere on your property. If you see flying termites, then the colony on your property is so successful, that the termites are venturing forth to found a new one.
If you’re not sure if you have a termite infestation, simply kill one of the termites and bring it to Pointe Pest Control. We can identify it for you.