Bed Bug Control in Independence

Pointe Pest Control Office, warehouse and motor pool in Albany , Oregon

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Pointe Office/s Serving Independence

Business Hours

March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
or By Appointment

October – February Hours
Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment

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Independence Bed Bug Control

You likely love your home in Independence, Oregon. But so do bed bugs! Bed bugs are notoriously difficult to exterminate and can drive you insane with their itchy bites. We offer residential and commercial properties in Independence bed bug control services.

Our extremely knowledgeable pest control technicians will do a free inspection and develop an effective bed bug treatment plan. Take back control and the comfort of your home with our 100% satisfaction guaranteed bed bug control service!

Bed Bug Bites

For most people bed bug bites are usually painless in the beginning. Within a few moments, they turn into painfully itchy welts. As bed bugs hide anywhere on mattresses and other furniture bites can be anywhere on the body, but tend to happen to skin that’s near the edges of the bed.

Signs of Bed Bugs

It’s pretty easy to mistake a few bed bug bites for mosquito bites, but there are signs that set them apart. To identify a bed bug infestation common signs include:

  • Bad smells as bed bugs have a musty offensive odor
  • Bed bug bites bleed, so you may notice blood on your bedding
  • Fecal matter from bed bugs look like rusty dark spots on bedding but can also appear on walls and other surfaces.
  • You may be able to find eggshells or old skin that’s been shed.

If you’ve found some of these common signs of bed bugs, you may have an infestation. Call us today for a free inspection and leave your bed bug problems behind you!

Dangers of Bed Bugs

The EPA has stated that bed bugs are a serious public health issue. It has not been found that bed bugs transmit diseases, but that doesn’t mean we can ignore them. There are a variety of mental, physical, and economic dangers to bed bugs.

Bed Bug Infestations Can Lead To:

  • Bed bug bites itch like mad and can affect people’s quality of life by causing insomnia and anxiety.
  • Some people may have dangerous allergic reactions to bed bug bites that can affect their whole body.
  • Bed bug bites can get infected and lead to a variety of skin conditions such as ecthyma, impetigo, and lymphangitis.