Embrace Oregon Nature, But Not Spiders In Your House
Oregon has some of the most splendid landscapes in the country with an abundance of hunting, fishing, hiking, camping and outdoor recreational spots to keep you busy for a lifetime. But if you are looking for a more unique experience, visit one of Oregon’s 60+ ghost towns. These towns used to be gold mining settlements, which brings Oregon to the top the charts in the US for the state with the most ghost towns. While we are on the topic of strange things to be proud of, Oregon is home to the world’s tallest barber shop pole, the annual World Naked Bike Ride and the Tillamock Cheese Factory. What is not to love about Oregon? The spiders that live here, that’s what. Don’t worry though, we can make it so you don’t have to sleep with them.
Keeping spiders out of your sanctuary
Your home is your happy spot. It’s where you come home after a long day or work or school to get a little recharge. This is not possible, however, if you find spiders lurking around every corner. Whether you fear these 8 legged creatures or not, it is simply unpleasant to find one where you are not expecting. Arachnophobia is said to be one of the oldest human fears and evolutionists believe that the fear of spiders might be buried within the evolutionary process. Our ancestors feared spiders out of survival because an encounter with the wrong kind could have meant certain death. Without life saving anti-venom back then, a bite from a venomous spider was a tragic circumstance. Humans learned to fear these spiders in ancient times because they did not know which ones would be lethal.