Ant Control in Ellensburg

Pointe pest control office and warehouse in Pasco Washington

Phone Number


Pointe Office/s Serving Ellensburg

Business Hours

March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
or By Appointment

October – February Hours
Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment

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Discount Coupons

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Rodent Control and Exclusion Coupon

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Bed Bug Treatment Coupon (L)


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Bed Bug Treatment Coupon (H)


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Ellensburg Ant Control Keeps Your Snack Cupboard Safe

Ellensburg, Washington is a cultural, charming community and that is evident by the eclectic, quirky Dick and Jane’s Spot. Lively, creative and brightly colored outdoor art will keep you engaged for hours as you admire the artwork of many artists’ collaborative efforts. As you’re enjoying the vibrant scenery, something else’s collaborative efforts are taking over your home. Ants. With their powerful, networking ways, they can quickly take over your cozy house under your very nose. They use their secret pheromone language to shout out to their buddies where your best treats are hiding and then contaminate the entire package, leaving you nothing for your movie night when you come home. Are you gonna stand for that?!

Their friends are moving in

Once you have a couple ants, it’s only a matter of time before you have an infestation. They are experts at getting into your good stuff. These tiny ants can sniff out anything delicious and when they know you have food to feed their huge family, they make your home their paradise. Ant infestations can range anywhere from a couple hundred to millions of individual ants. And if you think it’s just your kitchen they like, you’re wrong. Ants love any place with lots of moisture too so seeing them in your bathroom around your tub and sink is not uncommon. Don’t even think about DIY ant baits, it is just a bandaid on a bullet hole, you need something more powerful when you need Ellensburg ant control.