Termite Control in Liberty Lake

Pointe Pest Control Liberty Lake service truck

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Pointe Office/s Serving Liberty Lake

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March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
or By Appointment

October – February Hours
Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment


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Liberty Lake Termite Control

Termites are one of the worst kinds of pests a person can have inside their home. Even though they are not harmful to humans, termites can completely destroy a home by eating it from the inside out. Finding wings and other signs of an infestation is also a nuisance. All homeowners in Liberty Lake, and throughout Washington, should understand the different kinds of termites, how to prevent them from destroying a home, and what to do if they invade anyway.

Types of Termites in Liberty Lake

There are many types of termites homeowners deal with in Liberty Lake. These include:

  • Subterranean termites: Subterranean termites do more damage in the spring than in the summer, as they cannot effectively digest the summer wood. The colonies of these termites are usually located in the ground, typically between the water table and the front line. When these termites need to travel through open areas to reach their food source, they create mud tubes that provide the protection they need. Once at a home, they can find cracks that are smaller than 1/16 of an inch and make their way in to eat.
  • Dampwood termites: As their name suggests, these termites create their colonies in damp and decaying wood. Dampwood termites eat both spring and summer wood, and they prefer entering into areas through wood that is in contact with the soil.
  • Drywood termites: Unlike dampwood termites, drywood termites prefer wood that has not yet decayed and that has a very low moisture content. They also do not need contact with the soil to live, so they can easily destroy moveable objects such as furniture. Due to the fact that these termites do require dry wood, they are rarely seen in Liberty Lake or throughout Washington.

Knowing which type of termite you are looking for can help you identify the signs of an infestation faster.

How to Spot a Termite Infestation

When termites are around your home, they leave signs behind that can help you identify the fact that you have a problem. The most common signs of a termite infestation include:

  • Flying swarmers and wings: Each year, termites swarm to create new colonies. Due to the fact that during a swarm, termites fly in very large groups, they are quite easy to see. Even when they are not seen actually swarming, termites might start to emerge from soil or wood, which is often the easiest way to tell that termites are close by. Homeowners may not see the swarms or actual termites, but may see the wings termites shed once they are finished with their flight.
  • Damaged wood: All termites damage wood, but the type of damage they do will vary depending on the type of termite that is infesting. Wood that has been damaged by dampwood termites is soft to the touch, particularly when it has been damaged by moisture. External damage is difficult to detect because dampwood termites plug the openings they create with fecal matter. Subterranean termites burrow through wood. Tapping this wood or piercing it with a screwdriver can help detect subterranean termites because it will typically sound hollow.
  • Shelter tubes: Some termites, such as damwpood termites, need protection from the air or from various predators. As such, they will create tubes that help ensure the termites can move from their colony to the structure they want to enter safely.

To prevent the damage termites cause, there are steps homeowners can take to prevent them.

Preventing Termites in the Home

There are several ways to deter termites from attacking your home. These include:

  • Seal gaps around water and gas lines.
  • Remove wood-to-ground contact or treat exterior wood that touches the ground.
  • Remove cellulose materials from areas such as crawl spaces.
  • Install proper drainage systems to prevent water from pooling around the home’s foundation.
  • Repair leaky plumbing, faulty gutters, and air conditioner lines that may drip.
  • Inspect lumber prior to using it for projects in and outside of the home.

When these prevention tactics do not work, it is time to call a professional that can help.