Bed Bug Control in Longview

Pointe Pest Control office in Longview, WA

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Pointe Office/s Serving Longview

Business Hours

March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
or By Appointment

October – February Hours
Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment

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What Does Longview Bed Bug Control Entail?

People do not want to live with bed bugs, but they are also sometimes hesitant to contact a Longview bed bug control company. This is usually because they fear they will have to remain out of the home for a significant period of time, or because they think pest control is simply too expensive. However, bed bugs pose a serious threat to your health.

While they do not transmit disease, the thought of bugs coming out at night to feed off you is enough to make anyone lose sleep. After some time, that lack of sleep can lead to diabetes, stroke, and even heart problems. If you have bed bugs, now is the time to do something about them by contacting a Longview bed bug control company.

Inspecting for Bed Bugs

Unlike other pest infestations, it is typically fairly easy to determine that you have a bed bug problem. The first sign is usually the red, itchy bumps a person wakes up with when they have bed bugs, and after being bitten by them. However, it is sometimes more difficult to determine where bed bugs are in the home. Contrary to their name, bed bugs live in more than just beds. They will take up residence in other furniture, and even clothing. Bed bugs can move from place to place in a home, which can make it challenging to pinpoint their exact location.

A Longview bed bug control company will be able to identify all the areas of the home affected by bed bugs. Aside from furniture, bed bugs like to stay in certain areas, such as in the joints of doors, electrical outlets, and even in loose wallpaper. A professional bed bug control company will know where to locate the bugs, so they can eliminate them completely.

Using Heat to Treat Bed Bugs

Many people know that extreme heat will kill bed bugs, and that reaching that high level of heat requires much more than simply turning your furnace up. In fact, it is for this reason that so many people do not call a professional Longview bed bug control company right away. They mistakenly believe that they will have to stay out of their home for days, or even weeks. Fortunately, this is not the case. Heat treatments for bed bugs usually only take between six and eight hours, and these treatments are only used when a large infestation has developed, or when a whole room treatment is needed.

It is crucial that everything that has been impacted by bed bugs is left inside the home, even if that means leaving your purse behind. If you do not leave all items in the home to receive the heat treatment, you could bring a bed bug back inside with you, which will only cause another infestation. There are also certain items you should not leave in the home when getting a heat treatment for bed bugs. These include plants, pets, fire extinguishers, and aerosol cans.

Using Pesticide to Treat Bed Bugs

When a bed bug infestation is fairly small, pesticides are usually enough to treat the problem. It is crucial to work with a Longview bed bug control company when using pesticide to treat bed bugs. Many of the chemicals that are on the market, such as DEET, can be harmful to your health, particularly when they are used in areas where you sleep. The pesticides used by a Longview bed bug control company are not only safe, but extremely effective, too.

When working with a bed bug control company, they will apply a barrier of pesticide around the areas affected by bed bugs. When the critters come out of their hiding spaces to feed, the pesticide will kill them. The pesticides used are strong enough to kill all adult bed bugs, as well as the nymphs. Bed bugs also lay eggs to produce and the pesticide will also kill these eggs, preventing them from hatching and turning into a problem of their own.