Pest Control in Moses Lake

Pointe Pest Control office in Moses Lake, Washington

Phone Number


Pointe Office/s Serving Moses Lake

Business Hours

March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
or By Appointment

October – February Hours
Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment

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Discount Coupons

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Initial Pest Control Service Coupon

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Rodent Control and Exclusion Coupon

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Bed Bug Treatment Coupon (L)


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Bed Bug Treatment Coupon (H)


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Moses Lake Pest Control Sends Pests Out The Door

Can you imagine your steak being served by a dirty rat at Porterhouse Steakhouse? You might snicker at the thought, but there’s nothing funny about rodents taking over your home. How about if you were enjoying a nice picnic at Blue Heron Park when your lunch was picked up and carried away by ants? Even worse, how would you like to wake up to those ants in your home? We wouldn’t want that. That’s why we offer pest control in Moses Lake.

Rodents, Termites, and Ants, Oh My

Is your home being destroyed by pests? A lot of the damage caused to your home is unseen, many pests work from the ground up. Termites remove dirt from under your foundation making it unstable, and continue to destroy your foundation by destroying the wood. Working as colonies to create highways through your home, they destroy your insulation, wiring, and plumbing.

Many pests carry viruses and diseases that can be harmful to you and you pets. Rodents leave urine, feces and dander behind, causing illnesses and even allergic reactions.

You don’t want anyone in your home getting sick from those filthy pests. Have you tried store-bought traps that don’t work? It is time to call a professional technician that has the skills and tools to hunt pests down, and rid of them forever.