When Do You Need Moses Lake Wasp Control?
Moses Lake is not only one of the most beautiful areas in Washington, if not the entire country, to live in, but it is also one of the most prosperous. With a lower unemployment rate than the national average, a lower cost of living than the rest of the country, and major employers such as Yahoo and Microsoft, it is no wonder so many people want to call Moses Lake home. Unfortunately, Moses Lake makes a great home for wasps, too, particularly in the hot summer months. If you have noticed these pests around your home, it may be time to contact a Moses Lake wasp control company.
Are Wasps Dangerous?
Wasps do not carry diseases in the same way that other pests, such as mosquitoes, do. However, that does not mean these creatures are harmless. Wasps are extremely territorial, and they can become very aggressive in just a matter of seconds.
Once a wasp has decided to create a nest around someone’s home or yard, many other wasps will come and help them create a giant nest. Sometimes, wasps will create multiple nests. Wasps are very protective of their nests and anyone that comes close may face an attack, during which the wasps swarm and may sting repeatedly. Wasps are not like bees. They do not lose their stinger or die after they have stung someone, allowing them to sting one person multiple times. This becomes an even bigger issue when the nest is located close to a door or other high traffic area of a home.
The Asian giant hornet has also been seen in Washington, although in Whatcom County and not Moses Lake. While these insects do not exactly deserve the nickname of the “murder hornet” they have gotten, their stings are extremely painful because their stinger is longer than other types of hornets. For those who are allergic to the wasp’s venom, a sting can be fatal.
How to Determine if You have a Wasp Problem
Many pests, such as mice and termites, are very adept at hiding out for a period of time before a homeowner ever realizes a problem. This is not true with wasps. If you have a wasp problem, you will likely notice it fairly quickly because there will be many more of the insects flying around. If you look up along the eaves of your home, you may even find one or two, or more, wasp nests hanging there.
If you see piles of chewed wood around your home, you may assume that you have a termite problem. However, because wasps use chewed up pieces of wood to build their nests, this could be a sign of a wasp problem, too.
If you have noticed any of the signs of wasp activity around your home, it is critical that you speak to a professional Moses Lake wasp control company. Removing any type of wasp nest on your own is very dangerous but an expert will be able to get rid of it safely and effectively.
How to Prevent Wasps Around Your Home
Ideally, you would never have a wasp problem you had to deal with in the first place. Fortunately, there are some tips to help ensure that happens. The best wasp prevention tips are as follows:
- Seal off access points: It is bad enough to have wasps in your yard. It is even worse once they make their way inside your home. To keep the wasps outside from getting in, seal any hole or crack in every window and door of your home. This will block off any access to the home for the wasp and keep them out.
- Seal waste bins securely: Wasps are aggressive scavengers. They will eat just about anything they find. Due to the fact that garbage has many different types of food that attracts wasps, and the fact that it is so plentiful, it is particularly attractive to wasps. The smell of garbage alone is enough to attract wasps, so make sure all waste bins are sealed securely and preferably not stored outside.
- DIY solutions: DIY solutions do not usually work to get rid of wasps, but they can help prevent them. If you see a nest forming, spray it with a mixture of water and dish soap. That will clog the holes wasps rely on to breathe, killing them instantly. Spraying peppermint oil outside of your home can also deter wasps from building a nest there.