Termite Control in Richland

Pointe pest control office and warehouse in Pasco Washington

Phone Number


Pointe Office/s Serving Richland

1900 Fowler Street, Suite D Richland, Washington 99352

Business Hours

March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
or By Appointment

October – February Hours
Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment


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Richland Termite Control

Termites do an estimated $5 billion worth of damage every year. To understand how such a tiny creature can cause homeowners so much of their hard-earned money, you have to know a little about how they operate.

Termites have a queen that controls the colony. The rest of the colony is divided into three castes. Those are the worker termites, the reproductive termites, and the warrior termites. The vast majority of termite culture is composed of worker termites. They work 24 hours a day and 7 days a week to provide the other castes with the food they need to survive. They extract the moisture and cellulose from wood pulp and other organic substances and bring it back to the nest. In other words, these little buggers are chewing up your house all day long every day until you stop them.

Termites Attack From Below

Most folks think of termites destroying their walls (and they do) but their initial assault comes from the soil around your home. Eventually, they work their way through the soil and find a foundation. The exploit cracks in the foundation working their way into your home and eventually into your walls where they can do thousands of dollars worth of damage.

Effective termite control requires not only annihilating a current infestation but also preventing a future one. It’s only once the termites have begun to do serious damage to your home that you tend to notice them.

Managing Termite Infestations

While stores like Home Depot do sell termite control treatments, termite problems are best left to the professionals. There’s simply too much at stake to take a chance that a store-bought treatment will provide what you need. You won’t know the extent of the issue until you’ve done a complete survey of your home and you need to know what to look for in order to assess the size of the problem.

Professional pest control experts use bait stations that lure in the worker termites who take the poison back to their nest. This eradicates the entire nest. We also monitor these stations and wait until the bait stations have become depleted to restore them. This process can take a good deal of time, but the result will be a noticeable difference in the amount of termite activity in your home.

Identifying Termites

Termites share a large part of the genome with ants. Like humans and chimpanzees, they are closely related. For that reason, it can be very difficult to tell them apart.

Termites tend to be lighter than ants. Their bodies are a light beige color and tend to be translucent. The biggest issue is telling them apart from white ants.

All ants have a clearly defined head, thorax, and abdomen. If you remember back to your high school science class, all insects are composed of three segments. You have a head, a thorax, and an abdomen. These three segments begin with the head and end with the abdomen which is the insect’s butt. In ants, these three segments are clearly defined and easy to identify. In termites, the thorax and the abdomen appear to be less defined and it’s hard to know where one begins and the other ends.

Identifying Termite Activity

Termites also make themselves known by their activity. You will find their mud tubes usually in your basement and areas where they are currently chewing up your home will have a fine powder-like substance below. This is their poop. It will resemble salt.

Some folks can actually hear termite activity in their walls. This, of course, is a really bad sign. But termite activity can be mistaken for rats or squirrels.

The damage that termites do to your wood is unique. They eat wood from the inside out leaving it hollow. This makes them more difficult to identify. But brittle or hollowed-out wood is a sure sign of termite activity.