Wasp Control in Spokane

Pointe pest control office in Spokane, Washington glass doors entrance

Phone Number


Pointe Office/s Serving Spokane

Business Hours

March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
or By Appointment

October – February Hours
Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment


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Spokane Wasp Control Creating a No-Fly Zone Around Your Home

They look like bees, but don’t be fooled. Rather than cute, fuzzy little honey-makers, these guys are more like an invading air force. Sleek and lightning-fast, aggressive and highly territorial, wasps are equipped with one of the scariest pieces of bug world weaponry—the never-ending stinger. Multiple wasps, multiple stingers and the pain is going to get worse. Even if you manage to avoid a sting, they’re just annoying, always buzzing around your head, dropping fear like a carpet bombing campaign in the hearts of even the manliest of men.

Having a family picnic in the yard? I don’t think so. Want to do a little gardening? Forget about it. Thinking of cleaning out the garage? Nope. If you haven’t been stung yet, it’s time for a pre-emptive strike. If you have, well, then war has already been declared. You’ve got interests to protect.

Pointe Pest Control can come in, install a no-fly zone around your property, and make sure wasps think better of setting up in your yard again. We are the Spokane wasp control authority and we make sure that once the wasps are gone, they won’t be coming back. When it comes to getting rid of wasps, we’ve got the will, we’ve got the equipment, we’ve got the know-how, and we’ve got the passion.