Ant Control in Post Falls

Pointe Pest Control office and warehouse in Post Falls, Idaho

Phone Number


Pointe Office/s Serving Post Falls

Business Hours

March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
or By Appointment

October – February Hours
Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment

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a closed up photo of an ant

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a closed up photo of a termite

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As the Post Falls, ID tourism page says, this friendly city is known as a recreational mecca in Idaho and a true gem in the West. From waterskiing on the river to rock climbing in the mountains, it’s an outdoor fan’s paradise. The fresh air is pure and the city’s charm is tangible, which is definitely a treat for all tourists who breeze through the city. Ants likewise, have so much confidence in themselves that breezing through your house is no big deal to them. Why? Well they’re little. They can squeeze through almost anything. Also, they have power in numbers. Ants are not solitary and their family numbers in the many thousands, even millions. If you have ants, you’ve got a real problem and need the help of your Post Falls ant control friends at Pointe Pest Control.

Not just a kitchen pest

When you think of ant infestations, you probably think of them rummaging through your cupboards stealing your late night snacks. While they adore the kitchen and breaking into your favorite goody bag, they also enjoy other areas of your home. For example, ants LOVE the bathroom. Homeowners often find ants pouring out of cracks near the faucets or near the base of the tub. The scent of old hair in the drain, chemicals from toiletries, and stagnant water just make their little ant mouths water, if their mouths could water. These delectable treats are exactly what they want to take back to their colony. They work hard to bring home the bacon…or whatever food they fancy.

Pointe Pest Control stops ants in their tracks

Getting rid of an ant infestation is near impossible without professional help. Without experience, you will fight the infestation indefinitely. The experts at Pointe Pest Control has the techniques and methods to give you guaranteed results. We have been in the pest control industry for over 20 years and have given many happy homeowners ant free homes. We use the most effective techniques that are completely non-toxic and safe for your pets and children. Don’t live with ants a day longer, call us today!