Rodent Control in Post Falls

Pointe Pest Control office and warehouse in Post Falls, Idaho

Phone Number


Pointe Office/s Serving Post Falls

Business Hours

March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
or By Appointment

October – February Hours
Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment

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Discount Coupons

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Rodent Control and Exclusion Coupon

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Bed Bug Treatment Coupon (L)


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Bed Bug Treatment Coupon (H)


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Post Falls Rodent Control

Post Falls, Idaho is home to the Stateline Speedway and thousands of racing and demolition derby fans. And even if you’re not a fan of the race track, a night out at the Speedway is still entertaining for all. The energy felt there is electric and when the fireworks start after the semi truck races, even the most anti-racing fan will be converted to the excitement and speed of the race track. While you’re enjoying the speed and exhilaration of turbocharged engines, there may be another speed demon enjoying the delights of your kitchen. Yep, rodents! Often because of their sneaky, quick footed ways, homeowners don’t realize they have an infestation till too late. Pointe Pest Control is your Post Falls rodent control solution.

Their sneaky ways

Homeowners often wonder how in the world rodents get into their homes. Rodent infestations usually have little bearing on the cleanliness of your home. Rodents want two things—food and shelter. Your home can provide them with both, all they need is a way in. An open door, a crack in the foundation, and poorly sealed windows are among a few ways a little rodent can squeeze its way in. And say that rodent is expecting half a dozen babies…then you’ve got a bigger problem. Of course a mama mouse wants in your house. All she has to do is find a quiet, dark place to have these babies and soon you will have a rodent infestation on your hands. Those little rodents grow up and have their own families which populate and expand the rodent family. All of this is done without your knowledge until one day, you might notice rodent droppings or chew holes in your possessions. By this time, you need a pest control technician.

We are the solution

The thought of rodents living in your walls and sock drawers is enough to make you bolt to the drugstore for rat poison, traps and bait. However these chemicals and poisons are dangerous to have around your family and pets. Pointe Pest Control offers you non-toxic, environmentally friendly solutions to your rodent infestation. Total peace of mind and guaranteed removal is what you’ll get with Pointe Pest Control. Don’t delay, contact us now!