Bed Bug Control in Post Falls

Pointe Pest Control office and warehouse in Post Falls, Idaho

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Pointe Office/s Serving Post Falls

Business Hours

March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
or By Appointment

October – February Hours
Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment

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Post Falls Bed Bug Control

After a long day of work, sometimes all you can think about is climbing under your blankets and getting some much needed rest. As you get ready for sleep, something sinister is getting ready to join you in bed. Bed bugs are on the rise throughout America, you can find them in hotels, motels, public transportation, movie theaters, restaurants, even your office. Whenever you visit a place that has bed bugs you run the risk of bringing them home with you. Bed bugs love to hitchhike. Before you run down to Cabela’s and purchase weapons of mass insect destruction, you might want to use your phone and call Pointe Pest Control. When Post Falls needs bed bug control, we stand ready to assist you with their eradication. We are serious about bed bug eradication.

Hide and Seek

Bed bugs love to hide. When it is daylight, they disappear beneath your bed, inside your nightstands; they can even crawl into electrical outlets. When the sun goes down, they get ready. Bed bugs can sense the heat of your body, and the carbon dioxide you exhale. They know when you are sleeping and they know when you are awake. You will know when they decide to feed on you because they leave you gifts. The first thing you will notice are red bumps. If you look at your sheets you will see tiny reddish brown stains. Bed bugs defecate while they drink your blood. When you awake to find both bites and stains, congratulations, you have bed bugs.

Help is a phone call away

If you need Post Falls bed bug control, Pointe Pest Control has you covered. Our technicians are bed bug eradication experts. No matter how hard they try to hide, we will find them. We understand the secret behaviors of bed bugs. We know where to look and how to get rid of them. We use the most current technology to ensure that your home becomes bed bug free. If you and your family are tired of waking up each morning with new bites, do not suffer another night. Call Pointe Pest Control, we are the Post Falls solution to bed bug outbreaks.