Pest Control in Sandpoint

Pointe Pest Control office front and warehouse in Sandpoint, Idaho

Phone Number


Pointe Office/s Serving Sandpoint

Business Hours

March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
or By Appointment

October – February Hours
Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment

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Discount Coupons

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Initial Pest Control Service Coupon

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Rodent Control and Exclusion Coupon

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Bed Bug Treatment Coupon (L)


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1st service only

Bed Bug Treatment Coupon (H)


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a closed up photo of a termite

termite control

Sandpoint Pest Control Sends Pests Packing

The Oregon treaty may have favored the Americans, making Sandpoint part of the United States but the treaty didn’t include all the pests that believe your home still belongs to them.

Whether by land: Rodents, cockroaches, spiders, bed bugs, and black ants,or by air: Mosquitoes, biting flies, wasps, and swarming termites.

Once the pests start their invasion, you will begin wishing you could call a truce and sign a treaty; but most pests seem to have a “take no prisoners” mentality. That’s fine with Pointe Pest Control, we don’t plan on taking any prisoners either.

Call in the Cavalry
Pointe Pest Control 31827 Highway 200 Suite F Sandpoint ID, 83864 (208) 209-6754In the old days, when you really needed help, you called in the cavalry. Today that would be us. So before you start waving the white flag, call in the professionals at Pointe Pest Control.

Before we attack, we assess your property and determine the nature of your infestation. We don’t treat your home for carpenter ants if termites are your problem. Bed bugs resist everything except heat; we have the equipment for that. And cockroaches, well we know where to send them. No matter what pest you are dealing with, we have the solution to rid your home of pests and keep them away.