Spider Control in Sandpoint

Pointe Pest Control office front and warehouse in Sandpoint, Idaho

Phone Number


Pointe Office/s Serving Sandpoint

Business Hours

March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
or By Appointment

October – February Hours
Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment


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Sandpoint Spider Control

If you want an incredibly fun, relaxing and adventurous getaway in Sandpoint, Idaho, then head over to the Western Pleasure Ranch. An all-inclusive resort in the mountains filled with canoeing, rafting, fishing, hiking, spa packages…this ranch has it all! The incredible beauty will take your breath away and relieve all the stresses and cares of life back home. But when it comes to spider infestations, there is nothing pleasurable about it. Quite the opposite in fact. Spiders create a hysteria unlike any creepy, crawly thing out there. Arachnophobia is real and one of the most common fears so getting rid of the terrifying nightmares in your house is paramount. Pointe Pest Control technicians are experienced with spider control in Sandpoint so living with them in your house is not necessary.

How to avoid them

Spiders come into your home through any openings they can find. If you have any cracks, crevices or unsealed doors and windows in your house, they will make their way in. See, your home has something that the outdoors doesn’t—protection from the elements. Your home is nice and warm, cozy, and covered from rain and snow. This is perfect when they are ready to find a safe place to lay their egg sac. Spider control is vital in this instance because you may not even know that an egg sac is sitting inside, ready to hatch when the time is right. Once they hatch, you will have a real problem as hundreds and hundreds of spiderlings wandering your house, looking for a place to lay their own egg sac.

As with all pests but especially the case with spiders, it’s important to schedule regular pest inspections so these egg sacs will be discovered by our experienced technicians. Pointe Pest Control in Sandpoint will assist you in getting rid of your spider problem quickly and effectively so you won’t have to worry about them creeping around the corner or hundreds of baby spiders hatching all over your home. We are happy to be your spider control technicians for years to come. Call us today!