Spider Control in Eugene

Pointe Pest Control Office in Eugene Oregon

Phone Number


Pointe Office/s Serving Eugene

Business Hours

March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
or By Appointment

October – February Hours
Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment


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Discount Coupons

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Initial Pest Control Service Coupon

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Rodent Control and Exclusion Coupon

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Bed Bug Treatment Coupon (L)


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1st service only

Bed Bug Treatment Coupon (H)


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Eugene Spider Control

Eugene, Oregon’s motto is “A great city for the arts and outdoors” and it is worthy of such a slogan. With beautiful scenery and many cultural opportunities, Eugene is a pleasant place to live with recreational nature activities a plenty. And while you love to enjoy the outdoors, you don’t want them in your home. Bugs and rodents have their place in this world but that place does not need to be in your bedroom, cozied up within your 4 walls. We help you keep nature where it belongs. Pointe Pest Control is Eugene’s finest pest control experts, removing infestations quickly and without a hassle.

Year round solutions

Just because you don’t see as many insects or rodents during the winter, doesn’t mean they aren’t there. Keeping a vigilant eye and initiating pest prevention measures during the cold months helps minimize the infestations once warmer weather hits. Insects, spiders, wasps, birds, and rodents all have different cycles and infestations typically spike for each at various times throughout the year. Our knowledgeable technicians are skilled in looking for signs of infestations, knowing key hiding spots and which ones invade throughout the year. Often, the first sightings of insects or rodents means the problem has already escalated and there are many more within your walls. Call us before these unwelcome guests cause damage and cost you expensive repairs.