Rodent Control in Lebanon

Pointe Pest Control Office, warehouse and motor pool in Albany , Oregon

Phone Number


Pointe Office/s Serving Lebanon

Business Hours

March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
or By Appointment

October – February Hours
Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment

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Lebanon Rodent Control

Lebanon Oregon is a great place to live, but mice and rats love it too. If you need rodent control services, Pointe Pest Control is here to help! Rodents are notorious for spreading germs, disease, and ruining the food in your pantry.

Call today to schedule rodent control services in Lebanaon, OR. Every visit from our knowledge pest control technicians starts with a free thorough inspection. We will develop a custom rodent control treatment plan to rid your home or business of mice and rats. Our services are eco-friendly and come with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Signs You May Have Rodents

While rodents are really good at staying hidden, they do leave signs they are around.

Common signs of rodent infestations

  • Holes in your walls or floors where the rodents chewed through to get in
  • Rodent droppings often found under sinks, cupboards, and in drawers
  • Mouse or rat nests made from dead plants, insulation, and other building materials
  • Marks from rodents chewing on food packaging

If you notice any of the following signs of a rodent infestation, call us to schedule a free inspection.

Why Mice & Rats Are Dangerous

Rodents have been known to spread diseases for centuries. It’s also quite common for people to have allergies to their fur and dander. Rodent bites can be painful and often get infected. Mice and rats also often tear your home apart chewing on wires, through wood, and can cause costly repairs.

How To Get Rid Of Rodents

Our teams perform thorough inspections, plan effective rodent removal treatment plans, and provide a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

  1. We provide a free thorough inspection.
  2. Present a detailed treatment plan.
  3. We exterminate rodents in your home.
  4. And help by taking measures to prevent rodents from coming back.