Spider Control in Newport

Pointe Pest Control Office, warehouse and motor pool in Albany , Oregon

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Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
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Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment


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Understanding When You Need Newport Spider Control

Very few people in the world love spiders. Most people have a slight fear of these critters, or they simply do not want to see them, particularly in and around their home. Truthfully, spiders have many benefits, but it is just as true that some types of spiders are very dangerous to the health of humans. If you have an abundance of spiders in your home, you may think about trying to get rid of them on your own. Unfortunately, the many do-it-yourself methods of spider control are ineffective. When you need to get rid of a problem, you need to know when it is time to call a Newport spider control company.

Poisonous Spiders in Newport

When people think of poisonous spiders, they often think of exotic locations such as Australia or Latin America. Although these locations may have more poisonous spiders than the Midwest, unfortunately, there are also a number of poisonous spiders right here in our backyard. The most common poisonous spiders you are likely to come across in and around your home include:

  • Hobo spiders: There is some debate about the potency of a Hobo spider’s venom. However, even if it is true that the bite of a hobo spider is not painful, it can still cause the tissue around the wound to rot, which is very concerning. Additionally, the bite of a hobo spider is incredibly painful for anyone unlucky enough to be a victim.
  • Black widow spiders: Black widow spiders are notorious for being some of the most poisonous spiders a person could encounter in Newport. Even though black widow spiders will typically only bite when they are threatened, these wounds require immediate medical attention and can cause many different health problems.
  • Yellow sac spiders: The bite of a yellow sac spider can result in a painful rash that blisters and that may be accompanied by symptoms such as fever, nausea, and cramps.

Any time one of these dangerous spiders is found in the home, you should speak to a Newport spider control company that can help.

Non-Poisonous Spiders in Newport

Fortunately, most of the spiders found in Newport are not dangerous. Some of the most common spiders found here that will not cause significant health issues include:

  • Wolf spiders: Like the yellow sac spider, the bite of a wolf spider may cause necrosis, meaning the skin around the wound may become infected and start decaying. The bites are also incredibly painful. Due to these factors, many people think the wolf spider is poisonous, but it is not. More so, wolf spiders will only bite when they feel threatened. An infestation in the home will make being bitten by a wolf spider much more likely.
  • Orb weavers: Orb weavers can spin intricate webs and the larger the spider, the larger the web they create. Many people are scared of orb weavers because they can look quite scary. However, for the most part these spiders are harmless and even if they do bite, which is unlikely, a person will not feel severe health effects from it.
  • House spiders: These spiders have long, crooked legs, which automatically makes many people afraid of them. However, house spiders are largely harmless and like most spiders, will only bite when they feel threatened. As such, you are most likely to get bitten when you are digging around in certain areas of your home including in closets, attics, sheds, and dark corners.
  • Garden spiders: As their name suggests, you are more likely to see garden spiders in your yard and garden than you are in your home. When garden spiders enter a home, it is usually by mistake or because they followed their prey inside. Garden spiders are very harmless and will not usually bite. Even when they do, the bite poses no threat to humans.

Even though these spiders may not be poisonous and as harmful as others, it does not mean you want a large population of them in your home. Whenever you have an infestation of these spiders in and around your home or any other type of arachnid, you should call a Newport spider control company.