Salem Spider Control, Frightful Fangs
From the Mission Hill Museum to the Walter Wirth Lake, there are plenty of things to do in Salem. There are also a lot of spiders. You can find over 500 different species of arachnid in Oregon. Most of the eight legged creatures you find in your yard and home are harmless. Their bites do not pose any type of hazard. There are a few that have the potential to be dangerous.
Dangerous Spiders in Salem
- Hobo Spider. The hobo spider loves to be around people. If you move to a new home, it will find box, crawl in, and move with you. They do not build webs of any kind, rather they are stalkers. They wander around looking for prey, to either ambush or chase down. It is difficult to identify a hobo spider, because they look like hundreds of other little brown spiders. If you get bit, try to save the spider for later identification and seek medical attention.
- Yellow Sac Spider. You can find them in your home. They have a slight yellow coloring and can be found on your walls and ceiling. They do not build webs like the garden spiders you see outside. Yellow sac spiders construct a silken sac pocket and hunt prey at night. Bites will cause a painful burning sensation that can last several days.
- Black Widow. This is the most dangerous spider in Salem. They build their nests close to the ground in undisturbed areas. They prefer garages and basements, yet you can find them on the undersides of toys and around your home. Their webs look messy and haphazard. Their bites contain a deadly neurotoxin that attacks the nervous system. If you get bit, you may experience shortness of breath, cramps, nausea, fever, and in some cases spasms. If you get bit by a black widow you should seek medical attention.