Ant Control in Clarkston

Pointe Pest control office and warehouse in Clarkston,. Washington

Phone Number


Pointe Office/s Serving Clarkston

Business Hours

March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
or By Appointment

October – February Hours
Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment

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Clarkston Ant Control Will Keep Your Snacks Safe

If you’re looking for fun in Clarkston, Washington, the Riverport Brewing Company is a fantastic place for a delicious meal and fresh brewed beer. This is not your average, bottled or canned garbage, it’s amazing quality with a crisp taste. But when you come back from your tasty evening out and open up the cupboard for a late night snack—and your snack is covered in ANTS—you need some serious help. When an ant finds a path into your home, it leaves a scent trail for other ants to follow. When it finds food, they make the scent stronger and suddenly all their ant buddies are sprinting toward the goods. Once ants are having a party in your kitchen, getting rid of them is pretty tricky without help. That’s where we step in. Pointe Pest Control technicians are masters at ant control in Clarkston and happy to get rid of the problem.

How ants find food

When an ant leaves its nest, it leaves a trail of pheromone that will help lead its way back home. But when it finds food, it emits a pheromone spreading the news that food has been found. If an entire colony of ants is in search of food, it will walk in a line until they make it to the source. Then they will carry as much as they can back to their nest. But if your home has a huge supply of food, the ants will remember. And they will be back! Your only hope now is a professional. Most homeowners run for grocery store ant bait but that stuff is ineffective and often full of chemicals you don’t want laying around for your pets and children to stumble upon.

When you need ant control in Clarkston, Pointe Pest Control will not let you down. Our treatments are guaranteed and safe for your pets and family, not to mention environmentally friendly. Our technicians are experienced at getting rid of ant infestations and know ant behaviors and the best techniques for removing them from your house. Don’t let another cracker wander off your plate, call us today!