Wasp Control in Clarkston

Pointe Pest control office and warehouse in Clarkston,. Washington

Phone Number


Pointe Office/s Serving Clarkston

Business Hours

March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
or By Appointment

October – February Hours
Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment


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Clarkston Wasp Control Keeps Your Family Safe

Clarkston, Washington is an outdoor playground for anyone looking to enjoy the fresh nature air. One of the most exciting places to do that is on the Snake Dance Day Excursions. Your boat captain will pilot you through the Snake River as you ride over rapids and through the canyoning, listen to local history and interesting facts about the river and nature surrounding. It is really the BEST way to experience the Snake River, as the locals will tell you. But there are some parts of nature no one wants to experience and those are wasp stings. It can turn any relaxing evening in your yard to one of pain and trauma, especially if anyone in your family is allergic to wasp stings, then it’s downright deadly. For Clarkston wasp control, you really need an expert approach and you’ll find that with Pointe Pest Control.

Why the fear of wasps?

As most people know (and if they don’t, it takes one sting to find out), that when wasps sting, they don’t die. So instinctively, they have no fear in stinging because there isn’t the repercussion of death as there is with a normal honey bee. When wasps are agitated, they will sometimes sting more than once and if more wasps are nearby, you could be stung dozens of times if they feel their hive is threatened. As an adult, such a scenario is scary but for a child, this is absolutely traumatic. Wasp control in Clarkston is important because if wasps are left to unabashedly flourish, they will build bigger and more dangerous nests. This creates a rather hostile environment in your yard where your children play.

Safe from stings, safe from chemicals

Pointe Pest Control specializes in extremely effective, yet environmentally friendly and non-toxic treatments that won’t harm your children or pets as well as keep our planet safe. This is our promise to you. When you call us, you won’t be replacing nasty stings with toxic chemicals. We only use family friendly methods you can rest at ease with. Call us today, we look forward to being your pest control experts for years to come!