Spider Control in Kennewick

Pointe Pest Control office in Kennewick, Washington

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Pointe Office/s Serving Kennewick

Business Hours

March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
or By Appointment

October – February Hours
Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment


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Keep Spiders Out of Your Home with Kennewick Spider Control

Living in Kennewick we are accustomed to a winter paradise, but even paradise has spiders. Whether it’s jogging along Columbia Park Trail or docking your boat at Clover Island Marina, you practically expect an encounter with a beady eyed, silk weaving, carnivorous arthropod. However, if you are like most people, you don’t want to run into a spider while resting at home. We agree; spiders belong in nature, not in your home.

Telling the Difference between the Hololena and the Tegenaria Agrestis.

Do you really care what these arachnids’ scientific names are? Or do you just want to know if the spiders lurking in your home are poisonous? The biggest problem is that two of the most common spiders in Kennewick look extremely alike.

The Hololena (non-aggressive) is a funnel-web spider, known for weaving a funnel-like web that it can burrow in to wait for its prey. You often find them trapped in your bathtub, and sinks. Besides making you jump, these spiders pose little threat to you.

The Tegenaria Agrestis (Aggressive) is also known as the Hobo Spider. The Hobo Spider is rarely seen climbing vertical surfaces and is instead found on the main floor of your house or your basement. It to spins a funnel web and tends to become aggressive when it feels threatened. The bite wound of the Hobo Spider can take up to a month to heal and leaves the victim feeling sick with an extreme headache.

The only visual distinction between these two spiders is a V marking on the abdomen of the Hobo Spider. Are you thinking, “why would I want to be that close to a spider?”

Don’t worry, you don’t have to inspect your spiders! Pointe Pest Control serves Kennewick and we don’t bother looking at each spider either. We eliminate them both.