Vancouver Bed Bug Control Done Right
Heading over to Fort Vancouver will allow you to get a feel for history. You can see the old barracks, and see how the early settlers lived out their lives. It is easy to appreciate our modern conveniences when you take your family through the wooden fort. One of the biggest pests during those days was bed bugs. Unfortunately, we face the same issue today. The number of bed bug infestations is on the rise. They are spreading into homes across America and Vancouver has not been spared from the bed bug invasion. If your home gets an infestation, there is good news. You don’t have to live with bed bugs. You can count on Pointe Pest Control to solve your pest puzzle. We want to help you win the fight against bed bugs.
All about Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are parasites. They rely on your blood in order to grow and develop. You, your family, and even your pets are at risk of getting bit. The only bit of good news is that bed bugs are not known to transmit diseases. Still though, the idea of getting bit each night by little six legged vampires is can lead to bouts of serious insomnia. Bed bugs are programed to find you. They can sense the carbon dioxide you exhale, smell your body order, and feel the heat produced by your body. If you get bed bugs in your home, you can move to different rooms and try to escape, but they will find you.