Rodent Control in Yakima

Pointe Pest Control office and dispatch in Yakima, Washington

Phone Number


Pointe Office/s Serving Yakima

Business Hours

March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
or By Appointment

October – February Hours
Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment

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Discount Coupons

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Initial Pest Control Service Coupon

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Rodent Control and Exclusion Coupon

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Bed Bug Treatment Coupon (L)


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Yakima Rodent Control

Take and trip to the Yakima Area Arboretum and find out why it is one of the most beautiful places in central Washington. If you have rodents that have invaded your home the last place you will want to spend any time is inside of your house. If rodents have moved in, Pointe Pest Control will get them out and take steps to help your home stay that way. We are Yakima’s solution to rodent problems.

The Problems with Rodents

Rodents love to chew. Mice bite through cereal boxes and ruin the food inside. They can cut through sheetrock and make nests in the voids within your walls. If they decide to use your couch as nesting material, their sharp incisors will make quick work of your favorite place to relax. Rats take destruction to an even greater level. If they get into your attic they will find electrical wires and begin chewing through them. When an electrical wire has a gap, it discharges and arcs. The resulting zap might kill the rat, but it could also start a catastrophic fire in your attic. It has been estimated that 20 percent of unknown house fires were caused by rodent infestations.

Rodents defecate. Everywhere a rodent goes, urine and feces will follow. Mice and rats mark their routes and nesting areas. Each one of those pellet shaped fecal pieces carry harmful bacteria. Rodents transmit over 26 different diseases. Some like Hantavirus and Leptospirosis are serious health concerns. The last thing you want is bad health because of a mouse.