Subterranean Termites: The Name Says It All

In 2005, Hurricane Katrina cut a wide swath of ruin and heartache through New Orleans. Causing over 81 billion dollars in damage, Katrina was the most expense natural disaster in United States history. When we think of natural disasters, terrible images come to mind like earthquakes and hurricanes, but not all destructive forces are so massive. Something smaller than a dime costs homeowners billions of dollars every year.

Meet the subterranean termite. Their name tells you that they sneak into your home through underground tunnels and dried mud tubes. Though they prefer areas of high humidity, they can be found throughout the United States except for Alaska. The standard termite worker has powerful scissor-like jaws that can shear through wood and anything else that contains cellulose.

Big teeth aren’t the only problem. Unlike other types of termite, the colonies of the subterranean variety are massive, often housing nearly 2 million workers and soldiers. They work all day and night chewing through walls and wooden support beams. After a colony is established, it may take only 2 years before a structure becomes unstable.

Signs of an infestation

There are two ways to identify an infestation. The first way is to look for the tunnels. Subterranean termites build long mud tubes leading up foundations toward their food sources. These tubes protect the soft-bodied worker termite from predators, wind, and sun exposure. Even if the outside of your foundation is clear don’t forget to check the crawl space. If tunnels are identified, break one open. Workers will swarm out quickly to patch up the breach with mud and saliva.

The second method is to keep an eye out for swarms. When temperatures warm up in May and June, the colony sends out winged males and females that propagate into new settlements. Be careful, they are often mistaken for ants. After copulation, the swarming termites shed their ability to fly. Each individual has four wings; there will be small piles that resemble scales along windowsills. Remember that infestations cause damage fast. If you suspect an infestation grab your phone, it’s time to call a professional exterminator. It’s time to call Pointe Pest Control.

Methods of Control

Controlling termites is difficult for homeowners. Killing the little workers might result in a feeling of exacted vengeance, but in reality losing workers won’t harm the colony. A termite queen can lay up to 30,000 eggs in a single day. Any workers that falls victim to stomping shoes or poison will rapidly be replaced. At Pointe Pest Control, we have highly trained professionals that understand and use the best methods toward complete eradication. A transfer effect termiticide can be applied that will spread throughout the colony, killing the queen.

If you don’t have an infestation we can keep it away. A little bit of prevention can save a whole lot of time and worry. Pointe Pest Control offers various methods of repellant and yard management practices that will reduce the risk of invasion. We can deploy baiting stations that assist in identifying the risk before it becomes a serious problem. Don’t let a termite disaster cut a swath of ruin and heartache in your home. Give Pointe Pest Control a call today.

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