5 Things to Prepare for your 4th of July BBQ


It’s the best, most exciting holiday of the summer, our country’s birthday, and it usually boasts the best barbeque of the year. Fireworks, delicious food and great company—there’s much to get ready if you want your party to be a success. To create the perfect event for you, your family and all your guests, it takes planning. What can you do to make sure that nothing goes wrong? Here are a couple tips to make sure the night is a smashing hit:

1-Guest list

It would be a shame to work so hard for such a fun BBQ only to have nobody show up. Sending invitations and then a reminder the night before is a good idea. Social media announcements also excite your guests for your entertaining event.

2-Delicious food

You can’t have a barbeque without a grill and some delicious hamburgers or hotdogs. Gettings the meat started before the guests arrive will ensure that it’s properly cooked by the time they arrive. Pre-cutting and preparing the watermelon, fruit, salads and side dishes will keep the last minute stress low. Spill proof containers to keep your dishes covered and safe from the flies nibbling at your goodies too.

3-Set up

A few days before the barbeque, make sure you have enough tables, chairs, dishes, and place settings. Preparing the yard to make it appealing will help your guests relax. Music, entertainment and festive decorations will set the mood so everyone can enjoy the night.


You can’t have a 4th of July celebration without fireworks. Careful consideration needs to be made when it comes to these. First, you need a safe place to light them where they won’t injure the guests. Setting them off in a place where your guests will have a good view and also be far enough away that stray sparks won’t burn them is essential. Second, introduce each new firecracker one at a time. Remember, you’re putting on a show. Help the show to last by timing it just right. Save the most exciting fireworks for the finale!

5-Insect control

Nothing can ruin a BBQ faster than insect infestations. Ants swarming the food, wasps flying around and stinging the guests and mosquitoes making everyone itch are three things that could make your party go terribly wrong. Your vigilance in this matter will make sure that pests don’t cause frustration and ruination of the night. Calling Pointe Pest Control for pest control treatments beforehand will make sure wasps, ants, mosquitoes or any other terrible pest doesn’t destroy your long awaited party.

Pointe Pest Control is experienced at removing all types of infestations, especially in your yard. Before you exciting night, give us a call to keep the bugs at bay. We look forward to helping make your evening a complete success.

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