Of all the pests that could invade a home, termites are perhaps the most destructive. Termites cause approximately $5 billion in damage every year. Many people think termites only eat food, but they consume a number of other substances, as well. Termites also eat plaster, metal siding, and insulation. Although it is true that termites sometimes only cause superficial damage to a home, if they are not detected quickly, they can quickly destroy an entire structure. When termites are found throughout a home, the people within the household are often forced out of the home until treatment is completed.
It is crucial for anyone that has discovered termites in their home to take the steps necessary to stop them before they cause any more damage. The best course of action is to call a Hillsboro termite control company.
Spotting Termites in the Home
Homeowners in Hillsboro should always be on the lookout for termites, so infestations can be treated as early as possible. Some of the most common signs of termites in the home include: