Hillsboro Bed Bug Control
No one wants pests inside of their home, but bed bugs are particularly evasive and frustrating. Bed bugs are small insects that crawl deep into the frames of beds and other furniture until a blood host is available. Usually, this is when a person or animal goes to sleep. Once the blood host is nearby, the bed bugs then come out to feed.
The bite of a bed bug will become itchy and will appear as a small red, raised welt on the skin. The itch can make sleeping difficult, but the thought of more bugs that are ready to come out and feed can make getting a good night’s sleep impossible. If you have bed bugs, a Hillsboro bed bug control company can help you get these parasites out of your home once and for all.
Where Do Bed Bugs Live?
It may seem as though Oregon and the rest of the country has only been struggling with bed bugs for the past couple of decades. However, bed bugs have been around for over 100 million years. They now call every continent on Earth home, with the exception of Antarctica.
Bed bugs have been able to spread around the globe fairly easily because they are notorious hitchhikers. They move from one place to another by hitching a ride in suitcases, boxes, used furniture, and in other items. Once they arrive at a new destination, they simply move from their hiding spot and take up residence somewhere in the home. This is not always only in beds. Contrary to their name, bed bugs will live in any area that provides access to a blood host. Regular cleaning is, unfortunately, not enough to keep bed bugs at bay, as they do not discriminate against places to live, as long as it provides shelter and access to a food source.
Do Bed Bugs Pose a Risk to Humans?
There are many insects that pose a great risk to humans. Mosquitoes, for example, carry very dangerous diseases, such as Zika and West Nile. Fortunately, while bed bugs can carry diseases, they generally do not transmit them to humans. Still, their bites are incredibly itchy and have the potential to become infected. This is particularly true when someone scratches them excessively, which people sometimes do while they are still asleep. People that are allergic to bed bug bites may have an even more serious reaction.
Aside from the risks bed bugs pose to those with certain conditions, they can also make sleeping very difficult. If the problem persists for a long time untreated, that lack of sleep can result in a number of medical problems, including cardiac disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.
Signs of Bed Bugs
Although bed bugs are likely to stay in the crevices of furniture where they can remain largely undetected, there are still some signs you can look for if you think you have a problem. First and foremost, bed bug bites are the first indication that you have bed bugs. The bites are small itchy bumps that usually appear in a pattern of three.
As bed bugs go through their life stages, they molt, leaving behind exoskeletons, which look like hollow papery shells. If you see these around furniture or any other area of your home, it may indicate that you have a bed bug problem. Also look around your bed and furniture looking for rust-colored spots on the frame, sheets, mattress, or cushions. These spots form when bed bugs are crushed into the furniture as the blood host moves or changes positions.
How Do You Treat Bed Bugs?
Heat is the most effective treatment for bed bugs. It is impossible for bed bugs to survive in extreme heat and so, the entire home must be treated with high heat. Unfortunately, turning the furnace up is not an effective treatment option. A Hillsboro bed bug control company will ensure the heat treatment not only reaches the furniture, but also every area of the home, including inside the walls, beneath floors, and in particular, inside the carpeting. This is essential for ensuring the bed bugs are gone, and that they do not come back.