Wasp Control in Hillsboro

Pointe Pest Control Office in Portland Oregon

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March – September Hours
Weekdays: 7:30 – 6:30 | Saturday: 8:00 – 5:00
or By Appointment

October – February Hours
Weekdays: 8:00 – 5:00 | Saturday: By Appointment


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Local Hillsboro Wasp Control

The summer months are a great time to get out into the backyard and enjoy a barbecue, or to even just sit on your porch with your morning coffee. Sometimes though, wasps invade your space and enjoying your own yard becomes impossible, unless you want to deal with several stings, and the swelling associated with them. While you can try to get rid of wasps on your own, this is not generally recommended due to the dangers that wasps pose. When you have a wasp problem, it is always best to call in a professional that can help.

Differentiating Between Wasps, Hornets, and Bees

If you have a problem with flying insects in your yard, it is important to understand what type of insect you are dealing with so you can effectively eliminate the problem. Many people confuse bees with wasps and hornets, but there are ways to differentiate them.

The term ‘wasps’ is a very general one and while all hornets are wasps, not all wasps are hornets. Wasps are typically quite long in size, while bees are much shorter. Bees also have a light coat of downy hair covering their bodies, while wasps do not usually. Perhaps the biggest and most dangerous difference between the two is that a bee can only sting once before they die, while wasps can sting over and over again.

The Life Cycle of a Wasp

Wasps only live for about 40 days. During this time, they search for plant materials and dead wood that they can chew and turn into a nest. All wasp colonies have a queen that creates cells and lays eggs within the nest. Meanwhile, worker wasps use their days to search for food, such as insects and plant nectar. The worker wasps will search for this food throughout the spring and summer months, using it to feed the larvae in the nest.

Throughout late July and August, the worker wasp no longer needs to tend to the nest because the eggs have all hatched and all the wasps have left. At this point, the main priority for the wasp is survival. They become even more aggressive as they search for food, which mainly involves the food you eat, as well as the food in your garbage receptacle.

Preventing Wasps Around the Home

No one ever wants to deal with a wasp problem. They are aggressive insects and when one stings, they may release a pheromone that calls other wasps over to attack. As such, the best way to ensure you do not have to deal with them is to prevent them from invading your yard in the first place. Fortunately, there are a few ways to do it.

Wasps will often create their nest in hollowed tree trunks, railings, overhangs, eaves, and even a child’s play house. Although you can remove some of these objects to keep wasps at bay, you may not be able to eliminate all of them. For these items, essential oils can be sprayed onto them. Peppermint oil has been found to be particularly effective at deterring wasps from taking over yards.

While wasps feast on insects and plant nectar in the early stages of life, they will transition to eating your food later in life, and they particularly love sugary foods. Due to this, it is imperative that you do not leave food outside. Even an empty soda can be enough to lure wasps into your yard and once there, they may set up a nest that is impossible to get rid of on your own. After barbecuing, it is also important to clean up all food quickly. Wasps particularly like to eat protein during the summer months, so definitely do not leave meat lying around.

Also, it is important to remember that wasps love garbage and will use it to find food and water. Always keep your garbage tightly closed and regularly wash them off with a hose, as garbage can become stuck to the sides and lid and can attract wasps.